Chapter Forty-nine

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Is the first thing we hear. We tilt our heads at the sound. We look at each other with our jaws dropped.

"Cole is that...that" I say in shock staring at the screen.

"Thats a heartbeat" Cole confirms as he leans into me to see the screen better.

Cole presses the thing a little deeper into my belly and gasps. I look at the screen and see nothing but Cole has his eyes glued to the screen.

"Thats it" he says quietly.

"Where!?" I ask.

Cole freezes the picture so I can sit up and look. He points to an area on the screen. I just make out a little kidney bean shape thing.

"Thats our baby?" I whisper in awed.

"Thats the baby" Cole repeats as he sits back and watches me.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper more to myself than to him as I sit back.

"By the size of it, it looks around one month" Cole says, "around the time at the hotel."

I lost my virginity and got pregnant on the same day!? I place my warm hands over my belly, ignoring the gel. I look at my belly in shock. Slowly I lift my head, Cole is staring at my belly as well.

He looks up at me. I have know idea what he is thinking by his facial expression is. We continue looking into each other's eyes for a few minutes too shocked to speak.

Finally I break the silence, "what are we going to do?"

Cole doesn't say anything. He looks at my belly then at the ultrasound screen then back at me.

With eyes connected to mine Cole stands up and walks out.

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Author's Note
Sorry for the small chapter.
The next one will be longer :)

Question-who predicted Tori being pregnant?

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