Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up to the sun shinning in my eyes. I groan loudly and turn over to get away from the offending light. What the hell is the time, if the sun is still so bright?

I look at the clock that sits on my bedside table and read what it says. It's nearly quarter past six in the morning!? Oh great! I slept through yesterday afternoon and last night! I've never done that before in my life and I have to meet those guys at seven.

Groaning even louder, I sit up and sat at my room. Something is different. Quickly standing up from my bed, I walk over to my desk and my jaw drops.

Nestled amongst my books and pens is an outfit and a note. What on earth?

Picking up the note I read it out loud, "remember to always follow your heart, love mum x."

I stare at the note in shock. So many questions are dancing across my eyes. What does the note mean? How did she even leave the house to buy me this outfit and where did she get the money to buy it? There is more to my mother than I ever realised and I'm not sure if that frightens me or not yet.

Picking up the outfit I both gasp and grin. It's elegantly beautiful and I'm immediately in love with it. The skirt is navy blue with a tanned belt, that sits just below the knee. The shirt is white cotton, with a boat neck and very short sleeves. The shoes are tanned flats the match the belt.

I quickly put the outfit on and tie my hair up in a neat low bun with a strand of hair loose down the side of my face. I'm not going to bother with makeup.

I will make myself representable but not go out of my way to make myself pretty. Looking into the mirror, I'll know my father will approve of my look and I'm quite happy with how it turned out as well. It's definitely an effortless casual look and I hope the guys noticed I put no effort into making myself look hot.

"Victoria" my father calls from downstairs. With one last look in the mirror, I exit my bedroom and quickly make my way downstairs.
No one is in the living room so I make my way into the kitchen.

Both my parents are in the kitchen, as usual Mum is cooking and dad is sitting at the little breakfast table. I walk over to him and sit down directly across from him.

"You are looking respectable Victoria" my father smiles as he looks up at me.

I just nod my head, as mum places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I just shove it away. I'm not hungry, I actually feel sick. My stomach is churning and is in knots.

"Victoria, you should eat" mum says formally. I can see the concern in her eyes.

"No thank you Mother... I'm not hungry" I whisper.

Mum gives me a pained look then nods her head as she hurries back to the kitchen, to start cleaning. After a few minutes of silence, father finally speaks.

"There will be five men that will try and court you today. You must pick one of them, understand?" he says sternly.

I just nod my head.

"They should be arriving in the next twenty minutes" he smiles happily as he gets up.

Neither Mum or I say anything as he leaves the room. Once he's gone, Mum hurries over to me and places her hands on either side of my face.

"Are you okay sweetie?" she whispers.

"No Mum I'm not. I don't want to do this" I whisper back in case father is near.

"I know baby. You just need to grin and bear it until you turn eighteen, then you're free to leave and be with Cole. I'll be by your side and will help you as best as I can but you've just got to put up with it until then" she says quickly.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now