Chapter Ninty-Two

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*three months pregnant*

Robert and I are in the car on our way to the hospital for our ultrasound.

"Just one more month and we will know the sex!" I grin widely.

"Well we already know bub is a boy" Robert smirks.

"Girl" I correct him.

Robert just laughs and pulls into the hospital. Once the car is parked we get out and walk hand in hand into the hospital.

As we walk down the hall Gemma steps out of a room and looks up. She gives me a surprised look before quickly recovering.

"Oh hello... Veronica isn't it?" she smirks.

"You know its not Jenna" I smirk back.

For a spilt second her smirk drops before setting her eyes on Robert.

"Oh new man?" she asks.

"Fiancé actually" Robert smiles.

"Fiancé?" Gemma frowns, she looks around realising what part of the hospital we are in.

"Maternity hmmm" she mumbles looking down, "oh! You're pregnant. Good for you. I should have realised. You are looking bigger especially in the face" she smirks again.

I feel Robert tense up but I tighter my grip on his hand.

"Yeah but its a joy to be pregnant and in a stable relationship. You're single right? Pity. I know you asked Cole and he rejected you. Again pity. You better hurry Jenna you know the whole biological clock is ticking and all that. Well got to go. Lovely chat but we have to see our baby now. Bye!" I smile as I walk past her taking Robert with me.

I hear her scoff before stomping away. Once she is gone Robert and I start laughing.

"Friend of yours?" he asks.

"Oh yeah best buds" I laugh.

"You go sign us in and I will grab us a drink" I smile as I walk away.

I go to the C&T room and make Robert a coffee and me an orange juice. Just as I sit down to drink it we get called in.

"Hello you two" Dr Matthew says cheerfully.

"Hey doc" Robert smiles as he takes my orange juice so I can sit on the bed.

"How are you Tori?" he asks.

"I'm great. No more morning sickness" I grin.

"Ah thats great then. Lift up your shirt so we can take a look" he smiles.

I do what he says and lay back and lift my shirt. Dr Matthew sets up the ultrasound and I quietly hum to myself.

Robert is standing next to me watching Dr Matthew patiently. Once he puts the gel on my stomach he uses the machine to bring up an image on the screen.

"There bub is. Looking more like a baby than a jelly bean" Dr Matthew smiles.

Robert and I just grin as we watch the screen. Our baby is actually looking like a baby like he said.

I grin widely as I watch bub in awed. You are so perfect, I think as I cradle my belly.

"Bub is coming along just fine. Everything looks in order and heart beat is strong and steady" dr Mathew smiles as he freezes the screen.

"I will get the nurse to print you out copies again. I have your brother ringing me up harassing me for pictures because he didn't get any last time" he adds.

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