Chapter Twenty-Two

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Robert doesn't drop me back home until after ten at night and I fear I'm going to be in so much trouble.

But father does the most surprising thing ever and says its fine and offers Robert the chance to spend the night.

"Victoria its late and I'm going to bed, tend to Robert and keep him company" Father smiles.

I bite my lip to stop myself from frowning, who the hell is this man and what has he done with my if-you-stay-in-the-same-room-as-a-man-by-yourself-you-will-become-less-innocent father.

Once he is gone I mumble, "he is acting so strange."

"How so?" Robert whispers from behind me causing me to jump

I didn't realise he was so close.

"You know what the rules are in our religion right?"

Robert nods.

"Well unmarried girls are not allow to be near an unmarried man alone and we had dinner by ourselves and now we are alone again" I continue, "and considering my father loves this religion with his whole stone heart its surprising he would break those rules" I add.

"That is strange, maybe he likes and trusts me"'Robert says.

"For once he has good taste" I blurt out.

My eyes widen when I realise.

But Robert just laughs, "thank you."

"Um we have a spare room opposite my room, come I will show you" I say as I start walking towards the stairs.

Robert follows still laughing.

We sneak past my parents and Antony's room and I open the spare room.

White wash walls, double bed with pale blue covers, a wardrope, desk and a few drawers greet us.

"Sorry its not more..welcoming" I frown.

"Its fine, well perfect actually because I have you for a neighbour" Robert smiles as he walks in.

I just give him a smile, "Well goodnight, I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Goodnight Victoria and thank you for the charming dinner" he grins.

I just smile again and walk out and close the door. I'm about to walk into my room when I realise I didn't lock the front door.

Silently I curse and make my way back downstairs in the dark only banging my toes twice.

When I reach the bottom step I quickly turn on the light and lock the front door.

I notice Robert's jacket laying on the couch, I grab it and turn off the lights.

"I'm going to return this" I think as I walk up the stairs.

Without even thinking I open and walk through Robert's door without knocking.

Robert is standing butt naked facing towards me and barely fifty centimetres away from me.

My gaze travels down his body and my jaw drops and my eyes widen as i look at his manhood.

"Penis!" I say without thinking.

I blush deep red and I quickly look at the ceiling.

"Oh my god Robert I am so so so so so sorry um here is your jacket. I'm just going to um leave" I ramble still looking at the ceiling as I reach my hand back and feel around for the door.

"You're miles away" Robert chuckles as he walks over and grabs my hand and leads it to the door.

I look into his eyes, but my vision allows me to see he is still naked.

"Victoria I would appreciate it, if you don't tell anyone about this" he smiles.

I nod, "trust me I won't."

I quickly run out the door and into my room. Once I'm in my room I close the door and lean against it and sigh.

"Oh my god!!? What the hell just happened?" I frown.

I walk into my bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. I notice I'm all flustered and my cheeks are glowing red. I groan at myself.

"Victoria you can not act like that! How would Cole feel if he knew about your little "date" your heart skipping beats and the naked show? He would be heartbroken! He is in love with you, he is risking everything for you!

His life, his job, his friendship with your father, even Emily! If people finds out he slept with an underage girl he can go to jail or lose everything. What the hell is the matter with you!" The inner voice in my head yells at me.

I look away from my reflection and when I look back up I have tears. I quickly get out my phone and text Cole.

"Hey, I missed you today. Had a boring meeting today with the members and leaders blah blah blah lol I zoned out and didn't even listen the meetings are so annoying and total snore fest. Anyway my father made me go on a "date" with one of the leaders nephew, his name is Robert, he spent most of his life travelling and seeing the world; very lucky he was actually really nice and I can see us being friends in the future, nothing more though, my heart belongs to someone else. Anyway can't wait to see you and Em tomorrow. I miss you both like crazy! I love you so much Cole, literally with all my heart xx"

-no reply

I look at my phone in frustration. "He is properly just asleep" I say as I walk over to my wardrobe.

I stare at my clothes looking for my pjs, considering I'm still cold I dress in my long pale purple pj bottoms and long sleeve black t-shirt with "sleepy head" written across it in silver letters.

Once I'm dressed I quickly receive my diary and write about everything that happened between Cole and I.

As I write I remember every detail and how to felt have Cole's tongue, fingers and manhood on and in me.

I smile to myself. This weekend was beyond perfect though I learnt things about Cole I rather not know.

Like how before the age of seventeen (my age!) he was a male whore and the fact he doesn't plan to have kids. I'm not sure what one hurts the most.

"Stop it Victoria! Cole has a past, so what? And he said he will consider having kids with me in the future. So stop finding things to bitch about!" I scowl myself.

I groan out loud and put my diary away. I make mental note to take it to Cole's tomorrow, I don't care if he reads it but if my father finds it I'm dead.

I check my phone one last time as I crawl into bed, Cole still hasn't replied.

I throw my phone on the bottom of my bed and snuggle into bed and close my eyes.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora