Chapter Thirty-seven

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Later that week Cole and I are getting ready for his work dinner, I've never been to anything like this so I'm super excited but nervous as well. I was a bit hesitant at first to be his "plus one" as that's usually reserved for the person's partner considering our relationship is still on the very very down low...but Cole reassured me that plenty of other's will be bringing their "friends" or "family."

"We don't have to go to the dinner, after what happened with Antony" Cole reassures me again as he gets ready, I've been fretting about Antony since he got released from hospital, this will be the first time I've left the house since he got home.

"No way! This dinner is being hosted in honour of you, for your recent promotion. So yes we have to go" I smile at him as I walk over and fix his tie, "and don't stress about me. I'm actually really excited to go!" This seems to calm him and he starts to walk off into the bathroom, I try to get my facial expression even as lump develops on my throat. I won't admit this to Cole but I'm really nervous about what everyone is going to think.. Cole hasn't been in a relationship since Kim at least not publicly. As far as I'm aware he hasn't taken any other girls, friends or otherwise to events  like these so I do worry someone may think that Cole and I are a couple. He did say that everyone knows that he is super close to my family and I have been tagging along with him to smaller events when I was little, with Kim and Antony so it shouldn't look to suspicious. Antony was originally coming as well to make it look more natural but due to the current situation, he's staying home.

I try to push all my worries always as I walk over to the mirror to admire my new dress. Grinning at my reflection as I twirl. Cole surprised me last night when he brought him this beautiful ankle length purple gown that hugs all the right places and then flows freely belong my thighs. My hair is up in a bun with a curled lock loose on either side.

"You look beautiful" Cole smiles as he walks up behind me and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you" I smile at him as I turn around to face him, "you look very handsome."

"Well thanks babe" Cole smirks as Emily runs in. She looks straight at me and squeals excitedly, "you look so pretty mummy!" She says as she hugs my leg.

"Thank you honey" I grin at her as I lean over and kiss the top of her head.

"I promise I will be good for nan and...I'll try to be good for uncle Tony and Jules" Emily smirks cheekily.

"Just take it easy on uncle Tony remember bub, he's hurt his head" Cole reminds her.

"Okay daddy...Oh! My tooth is wobbly!" Emily smiles as she lifts her arms up to him.

Cole picks her up and balances her on his hip. Emily opens her mouth and uses her finger to wobble her loose tooth.

"See" she says with her finger still in her mouth so it comes out as "sheeee."

"Wow! It is wobbly. Guess who is going to get a visit from the tooth fairy" Cole grins.

"Me!" Emily squeals excitedly.

Cole grins at her as he tickles her causing her to giggle-squeal. I watch them in admiration.

"Cole are you killing my grand-baby?" Mum asks as she walks in.

I grin at her, when she picked Emily up from school Emily asked can she call mum, her grandmother and both Antony and Julian her uncles.

"He is killing me with tickles nana" Emily grins as Cole puts her down.

"When your daddy was a little older than you now, he use to hate being tickled because he was extremely ticklish" mum laughs.

"Really!?" Emily and I both giggle.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now