Chapter Nine

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At shopping we bump into some of my father's friends and I watch from the corner of my eye as they ring up on their phones and talk to someone.

My guess is they rang my father to dob on me and gain some points. Anyone would think my father is the leader in the religion but he is just a follower. I have no idea why everyone basically adores and worships him.

On the way home, we called into a fashion store called, "Sìnne" and with my disapproval Cole buys me heaps of new outfits.

When we get back home, I look at the time, Emily will be home in the next two hours. I sit on the couch after we put the food away, with a frown.

"Whats on your mind?" Cole asks as he sits next to me and wraps his arm around me.

"I'm wondering why Father hasn't told me to come home yet."

"Maybe because I convinced him that I'm working again tomorrow" Cole smiles.

"Don't you have the day of tomorrow?" I grin at him.

"Opps, guess I lied to your dad" Cole laughs.

"A rebel, such a turn on" I laugh.

"I have an idea" Cole grins as he stands up, grabs my hands and pulls me up as well.

"What is it?" I ask as Cole leads me outside.

"Today is a warm day plus you have had a stressful day and Em had a math test she was stressing over. I think we need a way to release the stress" Cole smiles as he walks into the back shed.

I lean against the doorframe watching what he up too. I watch him pull out a water-slippy-slide. I couldn't help but squeal.

The last time Ive seen one was on my tenth birthday. My parents didn't want me to have a party but Cole and Emily's mum hosted one.

The theme was "Watery Fun", they invited all the kids in the neighbourhood and brought the water-slippery-slide.

"Is that the same one?" I ask as I help him drag it outside.

"From your birthday, yeah" Cole smiles.

"I never thanked you for that, thank you. Literally the best party I have ever had" I grin.

"You're very welcome" Cole smiles as he looks at me but his smile drops.

"What?" I question.

"I have known you since you were basically a new born, I watched you grow, hosted birthday parties for you when you were a child and earlier we were talking about sleeping with each other" Cole frowns.

I hate to admit it but it does sound weird.

"You didn't have feelings for me then did you?" I ask as I place my hand on his shoulder.

"No! I only developed feelings for you last year. At the lake house we all went for vacation. I never saw you with Emily before whenever you two hanged out it was usually in your room but on vacation I watched you with her.

You both adored each other, seeing you with Em made me fall in love with you" Cole smiles, "when did you develop feelings for me?" Cole asks.

"I think when I was young" I start.

"So thats why you always followed me around when you were little" Cole interrupts.

I just punch him, "but when I was twelve I realised for sure" I add.

"I was twenty-three" Cole says.

I just nod.

"Em will be home soon lets set up" Cole smiles.

It takes just over an hour to finish. The backyard looks like a mini water park. There is buckles filled with water balloons, a few baby pools everywhere, water guns and the slippery slide.

"When Em comes home I will take her upstairs to get dressed in her swimmers" I smile.

"Great idea, that reminds me" Cole grins as he disappears inside.

He comes back with hands behind his back. He grins then gives me a bag with Surfers Paradise written in curly letters on it. I open the bag and pull out a bikini. Its tiny!

"Cole I can't wear this! Plus Em is here" I say.

Cole just chuckles, "here" and gives me a pair of shorts.

"No top?" I frown.

Cole just shakes his head no.

We go to his room to change. With our backs to each other we undress.

"Cole I need help" I frown as I struggle with the bikini straps.

Cole walks over and ties them with ease. After he is finishing tying he wraps his arms around me naked stomach.

I snuggle into his bare chest. We stay like this until we hear the school bus. Cole quickly goes to the backyard, I throw a t-shirt on and walk to the front door.

"Hey Emmy! How was school?" I ask as I open the door.

"Stressy" she frowns as she hugs me. I hug her back and kiss her cheek.

"I was in your room earlier and saw the cutest swim suit ever! I was wondering if you could try them on and we can do a fashion show in the backyard" I smile.

"Yes!" Emily squeals forgetting about her stressful day, for the moment at least.

She grabs my hand and drags me upstairs.

She quickly changes and bounces down the stairs and walks in front of me. As we walk I quickly take of my shirt and throw it on the couch on the way past.

As soon as we take a step outside Cole sprays us with water guns. Both Emily and I squeal as the cold water hits our skin.

We run different ways and grab the nearest weapon;me with a water gun and Emily with water balloons.

Emily throws the water balloons as hard as she can and she has a great aim; only missing us twice.

When my water gun runs out of water I sneak over to the table with drinks on it and sneakily have a drink. I look down and notice Cole's phone.

I unlock the camera and take pictures of him and Emily attacking each other. I call their names and they look up, see the camera and grin, then they go back to attacking each other.

After the water guns run dry and all the water balloons are gone we use the slippery slide.

Cole and I accidentally went at the same time neither realising until we reach the end, we collide and fell on each other.

Daze by the attack Cole and I look up to Emily laughing hysterically. We laugh as we help each other up. Cole quickly grabs his phone and takes a picture of Emily as she slides.

"Em, selfie" Cole says as he gets of the slide.

Emily quickly stands up and runs over. We all move in closer and smile as Cole takes the picture.

We continue playing until night fall. After a quick dinner of mac'n'cheese, Emily falls asleep on the couch and Cole carries her to bed.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now