Happy April fools Daisy!

Start from the beginning


    "Hey guys!" Daisy watched as Coulson opened the front door to reveal Fitz and Jemma. Daisy had migrated down to the living room, where she waited for dinner. Jemma saw her immediately, and came over, joining Daisy on the couch after a hug. "Did you know they lived together?" Daisy hissed at her.

    "Yeah, for almost two years now. I thought you knew." Jemma said easily.

    "No I didn't." Daisy answered. She noticed May coming down the stairwell, now showered, with her damp hair tucked back in a messy bun. She was out of her S.H.I.E.L.D. attire, and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. That was a different side of May. Coulson must have noticed to, because he smiled at her, and told her that FitzSimmons had come. May smiled back at Coulson, and nodded toward Jemma and Fitz.

    Coulson announced that dinner was ready, and the 5 members of the team filed into the kitchen, taking their places around the table. Daisy just stared as May whispered something to Coulson, and sat down next to him. Daisy sat across from them, next to Jemma.

    Daisy watched them with fascination across the table. Coulson had made some kind of pasta, with a really good sauce, chocolate cake for dessert. Fitz and Jemma were debating on the topic of light refraction for a newer pocket laser. That conversation got boring quickly. Daisy was quietly observing the couple that was in front of her. May had already finished her dessert, and was attempting to steal a bite of Coulson's. "Get your own." He told her, blocking May's fork. But she expertly reached over, and stole her prize. "Ah-hah!" She cheered, grinning as she ate it. "Hey!" Coulson protested, and took a sip of May's drink in revenge.

    Daisy's mouth fell open when she realized something. May had smiled more in the last half hour than she had ever seen her smile since the day she meet May for the first time.

    Coulson and Fitz took the dishes to the sink when everyone was done, casually talking and laughing the whole way. Daisy was left with Jemma and May. "So, Simmons, how regularly do you guys have dinner?" She asked.

    "Whenever Coulson or May invite us." Jemma answered.

    "I didn't know that they lived together! They might as well be married."

    "Well... I'm sure that they do just share the rent." Jemma confirmed.

    "I never knew that they shared a home, so if I'm dreaming, don't wake me up." Daisy told her.

    "Don't worry. You aren't dreaming." Jemma laughed.

    May was just sitting there, listening to their conversation, giving them the 'Really?' look. At one point, she sighed, rolled her eyes, and left for the kitchen, where Coulson was doing the dishes, while discussing the plans for upgrading the Zephyr with Fitz.

    Daisy raised an eyebrow. "Do they have pet names for each other here that they would never use at work?" She asked.

    "Yes. Several." Jemma answered slowly.

    "Like what?" Daisy pushed.

    "I've heard babe, honey, Mel, Lin, Philly,-" Jemma whispered.

    "Philly?!?" Daisy cracked up.

    "Shhhhh!" Jemma looked panicked. "I overheard them outside." She explained.

    "How-?" Daisy swallowed her laughter.

    "I was in the kitchen, the sliding door was open, I peeked out, and-"

    "What?!?" Daisy sat up.

    "They were hugging." Jemma answered. "Not that exciting."

    "Wrong! That's awesome!" Daisy mini celebrated. "Pet names are clue number two, but physical contact is number one." She told Simmons.

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