Chapter 8: A Little Bit Longer

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It was now Friday meaning the boys would be coming home tomorrow. To say I was excited would be like saying Ella liked marmite. Ella LOVED marmite and I was FREAKING EXCITED. I had spent the whole morning cleaning up the house and readying Harry’s room which really didn’t need much work. I actually started tearing up a bit when I folded his strewn clothes. I never really went into Harry’s room because it was such an overload of him and made me realize how much I’ve missed him.

With HotChelleRae blasting through the stereo, I was in the kitchen baking one of my famous desserts. Being around Ella’s mum who owned a bakery I had picked up a few things here and there. Baking was probably my second favorite thing to do.. after dancing. I guess now it was bumped up to first. As I was swaying my hips to one of the songs I heard the front door open and quickly rushed out with a flexible spatula in hand.


As soon as I heard the voice I threw my spatula down and rushed to the door, screaming. “Ell-Bell!”

She had just thrown down her bag and was walking out of the foyer clad in a black tank top and skinny jeans. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and not a sitch of makeup was on her face. We immediately collided, screaming OW when our foreheads smacked into each other. But we weren’t phased and continued to hug anyway.

“I missed you!” I screeched, shaking her in excitement.

She giggled and hopped up and down in my arms. “AH, I missed you more! You smell like cinnamon.”

I laughed and pulled away, sniffing myself, “I’ve been baking. Now come along and tell me all the raunchy details.” I winked and she giggled, grabbing my hand and letting me lead her into the kitchen.

“Only if I get to lick the spoon.” She countered and I turned around, dipping the spatula in the batter and handing it to her.

“mm” She sighed as she licked batter off her finger, “Don’t tell my mum, but seriously you make amazing batter.”

I turned with a cheeky smile, “hmm I just might.”

“I’ll deny it all if you do.” She stated with a shrug.

She launched into the story in her typical Ella way, not leaving anything out as I moved onto the cookies while the cake was baking. Her experience was beyond amazing, moving from one venue to the next just to show off her skills. She told me that the manager had specifically asked for her out of our dance group after seeing her performance for one of the talk shows.

“And I promise Max was staring at me the entire time.” She exclaimed, hands in the air triumphantly.

I gasped, “of course the fittest one would be staring at you. I hate you.” I added jokingly. “And what’s Mark got to say about that eh?” I joked

“Absolutely nothing, because he shall never know” she smiled, wiggling her eyebrows. “Speaking of Mark, the muffinhead was supposed to take me out to lunch, but he got held up at work. Care to be his replacement?”

“Awh, second place? You shouldn’t have” I replied sarcastically, throwing one of the balls of cookie dough at her.

She dodged it and picked it up off the counter where it landed before plopping it in her mouth. I cringed at her and continued working.

“Yes, a lunch date sounds lovely. Just let me finish up in here. I need to buy icing anyway.”

“Let me guess, orange for Harry?”

I nodded with a smile. “And red for Zayn. He’s coming too you know.”

“You’re like a mum waiting for her son to come back from uni.” She laughed.

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