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Hi everyone. Yeah, no caps and bold this time because this is literally how I feel right now. After a long nine hour shift at work I managed to write seven more pages of the next chapter, making it twelve pages SO FAR. Then my computer decided to crash and all my work was lost even though I saved it all throughout. I'm very much upset and really really devastated. I can't even explain. So I'm just making this note to let you all know that I'm really really sorry because I won't be able to remember everything I wrote AND recreate it in less than a week. I was so in love with how the chapter was coming along and now I'm just so uninspired. I'm trying to rewrite it now, but like I said I'm just really frustrated. 

I know a lot of you, if not all were expecting it by the end of this wee (aka tomorrow) and I was ready to release it then too, but this happened. I'm hoping what I think of is even better than the original because you guys deserve the best. Please don't give up on me. I'm working on it!

On another note, since I'm writing this. I wanted to ask you guys what you think of the story line? The comments box below is 100% accepting anythingggg you want to say. I want to hear it. Or read it, rather. For example, many of you want me to write the sex scene already and I'm keeping this in mind. You will find that there will be a compromise on that soon. I really do take every single suggestion into mind. And please tell me what you want to happen. You guys literally shape the story, I hope you know.

So here are a few questions:

What do you think of Charlie's peronsality? Any side of her you want to see more?

What do you think of my version of Zayn? Any side of him you want to see more?

What do you think of the sex thing and how logn would you be willing to wait before any of that happens?

What kind of drama do you want to see? No matter how crazy, because you never know!

Anything else you want me to know??

I wrote this note to get your feedback and to inspire me to write this chapter again. So please pelase if you want to see another update soon, leave a nice full comment. Don't just tell me to update because that is rather frustrating.

I really do hate making you wait so long, especially since I promised, but as all the famous philosophers say; Shit happens. Actually, that's me, but still.

I'm not putting a comment minimum like "I want this many comments before I update" because all I want is inspiration, so leave what you want. But just leave something.  

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