Chapter 1: The Story of Us

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The light lift music played in the background, hardly noticeable by now as I looked ahead at the plain white surface in front of me. I absolutely hated days like today. Totally ruined my whole week. Every time it was the same. Not to mention the paper gowns that hardly covered anything. I always begged them to let me take my own music in with me, but of course that was prohibited. Something to do with the magnetics. I think.. I felt my left arm twitch, and that alone told me I’ve hit my twenty five minute mark. For some weird reason every time after twenty five minutes have passed, my left side would start getting restless. I think it’s because that’s where my watch is. Not that there was any room to even lift my arm to look at it. So I guess I’ll just leave it as a mystery of science. I began humming a ridiculous made up tune, different than last week’s and the one before that. It was my way of telling them I was officially dying of boredom.

“Alright Charlotte, we’re sliding you out now.”

I let out a frustrated breath and let the metal plate move me back to the rest of the world. I swear being in that thing felt like I was in a capsule locked away for eternity. I’m actually not exaggerating. Once I was able to sit up completely I let my legs dangle off the edge and watched as the nurse moved around the machine.

“Alright, I don’t think you need me to tell you what to do.” She smiled the same toothy grin and walked over to the door.

“And yet you say the same thing every time” I laughed lightly and jumped off the plate, making sure one hand was holding my gown closed.

I scuttled off to the adjoining room where my beloved clothes were left folded in a perfect pile. After pulling them on I glanced quickly in the mirror that was hanging behind the door. My eyes widened when I saw that the zipper on my pants was down. Damn. That was close. I threw my hair in a high ponytail and pushed my sunglasses over the top of my head holding my bangs back.

I sat in the reception looking through my phone waiting for my name to be called and luckily it didn’t take long.

“Charlotte Styles”

I pushed my phone into my bag and walked through the side door leading to the back before the nurse even got around to open it. I sat on the high bed, the weird wax paper stuff crinkling and ripping beneath me.

“Hello Charlotte.” The doctor walked in swinging his stethoscope in the air.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. “You know you’re lucky I’ve known you forever because anyone else would think you’re unprofessional.”

“Whoa” Dr. Scott held up his hand, stethoscope armed. “Who said anything about being professional?”

I laughed and shook my head. Out of all the doctors at this clinic he was my favorite and thank God he was mine. Actually, I used to have another one- Dr.Asshole. No that’s not his real name. He’s actually Dr.Aswin but I’m sure you can figure out by my nickname for him that I hated him. So I forced them to switch me over. Dr. Scott on the other hand was fresh out of Med school and was seriously ridiculously handsome. Unfortunately to go with a handsome face, his handsome hand had a handsome little ring on his finger. Mrs. Scott was very lucky.

“So what’s the prognosis?”

He opened my folder and pulled a pen out of his coat pocket. I watched as he scanned the paper and I swung my legs already knowing what he’s going to say.

With a wide smile on his face he walked over to the display thing and slid the black film over it.

“Your MRI this week showed a lot of improvement Charlotte.” He pointed to one of the samples. “Your spine is really starting to move back to a healthier form. Looks like the physical therapy is really working.”

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