Deleted Scene #4: I'm falling for eyes, but they don't know me yet

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Fuck. Oh Fuck. I can’t do this. I can’t go out there in front of thousands of people and embarrass myself like that. Shit. It’s bloody Simon Cowell. Just the thought of him, alone, makes me want to get sick all over again. Maybe by next year I’ll be better? More experienced. I can practice more in the meantime. I woke up with a ridiculous fever for fucks sake, that’s got to be a sign. I shouldn’t have let Mum drag me here. God, my whole family’s here, too. I’ll disgrace them all. Safaa’s getting front row seats to watch her big brother embarrass himself.

“Will you stop?” Doniya’s voice breaks through my thoughts and I feel a hand rub the back of my neck as I cradle my head in my hands. “You’re bloody amazing.”

“Sunshine, you’re going to do wonderfully,” Mum adds and I breathe out in a huff.

“Says my mother and sister.”

“Oy, you know I don’t hesitate to tell you you can’t sing,” Doniya states and I look up at her in deadpan. “But I was just taking the mickey then. You’re seriously good.”

“Yeah, Bhai. You’re so good!” Safaa climbs into my lap.

I can’t help but smile and hug her close, pecking the top of her head.

After a while, I feel my leg jittering again and the skin around my nails is nearly raw. My number category isn’t even close to being called. I almost wish it can just happen already so I can go home and put it behind me.

“Why don’t you go take a walk, huh?” Mum suggests, rubbing the back of my head.

I sigh and nod, hoping it takes some of the edge off. If it keeps up, I’m going to be stumbling over the lyrics on stage.

You should let love you

Let me be the one to

give you everything you want and need..

I go through the lyrics over and over as I walk around. The holding room is packed with people. Some are in groups singing, some are huddled over just like I had been, some are eating, some are crying, and some are even praying. There are people of all ages, shapes, and sizes and I can’t imagine how just in a few hours they will all be sifted through. Only the best of the best making it.

I walk by a certain group, mainly women surrounding a lad about my age. He’s got a nice dress shirt and tie under a cardigan. I immediately feel under dressed in comparison.  He seems just as nervous and the young girls surrounding him are telling him words of comfort. There’s two little ones, identical, sitting on his lap the way Safaa was on me just moments ago. I hope he makes it through.

As I take a drink from one of the water fountains at the perimeter of the holding room, I see a particularly rowdy bunch. It’s always easy to tell who the contestant, is not just by the number on their shirt, but by the look of utter horror/nervousness. Also, most of the time they’re singing to themselves, practicing.

Just like the lad with all the female family members, this one looks to be my age, too. His curly hair makes him look younger and he’s dressed somewhere between me and the other lad I’d just seen. The scarf around his neck is a little strange, though. Might be some good luck charm, maybe? My eyes go to the small girl hanging off him. From over here she looks nearly identical to him and maybe a little younger. His hand outstretches, palming her face and she laughs loudly, still jumping beside him. The nervousness on his face is replaced with a smile and laughter as he tries to control her. Somehow she manages to get him in a headlock and that’s when I finally see her face dead on. Her dark brown hair is pinned up, a fringe making it hard to see her eyes, but deep dimples are on full display as she continues to giggle. The sound reaches me from over there and I can’t help but smile. Whatever she’s doing, her brother is definitely feeling better about the whole thing and strange enough, so am I. My nerves have calmed significantly over the past few moments and I hadn’t realized.

“Uh.. bro.. are you done or..”

The voice behind me makes me jump. Turning, I find a random kid, but judging by the lack of number, he’s not a contestant. I hadn’t been aware that I was just standing there staring.

“Oh, yeah. Go ahead, man.”

I move to the side and let him use the fountain, my eyes finding her again. She’s now holding her brother’s hands and swaying with him exaggeratedly to a neighboring group’s music.

As I head back to my family all I can think is,

I hope he makes it, too. Just so I can see her again.


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