NOTE for my readers

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Hi hiiiii my pretties! So I have a few things I need to clear up and I decided to do it through this note!

--First things first, a few of you are thinking maybe Matt is the one who tried to burgle the house. Although Matt is quite the dicklet, he did not burgle the house both times lol. The idea is that during the first robbery attempt, the two men saw pictures of Harry and his family and when Harry got more famous and in the spotlight, they recognized him and decided to go after him again, esecially when it was really publicized where he moved to and that he was at a show. The house would be clearly empty in the eyes of the robbers and that's why they tried to burgle. Hope that makes sense? 

-- It is in fact NOT the end of Matt. Not sure we I will go, but it will be sometime in the future.

-- I have no begun writing the next chapter because of various reasons: NO inspirations at all, My sister's getting married and I've been planning a bridal shower that just happened yesterday! (If you follow me on instagram, you should know :)), My best friend came to visit for two weeks! She lives in Vegas and finally came after two years of not seeing each other so I'm spenging tons of time with her. Aaaaand Ramadan is beginning tomorrow and for those of you who don't know I do celebrate it and it entails a lot of family time, Mosque time, and depetion of energy since we are fasting all day haha. But who knows, I may have more time to write since I can't really do anything else. I willl try to have an update this week though I promise!

-- I have a huge request for you tech savvy people out there. I would love nothing more than a video for the story? I wish I can make it, but Idk how :( So if any of you can make like a preview for it, that would be sooo soo soooo awesome! And I have a little prize for the best one ;) SO if you'd like to take on the challenge, (there may be more than one winner), message me and let me know! And by video I mean like moving, not just a powerpoint of pictures. Seriously I'll be so so soooo happy!!

-- The story IS closer to the ending than it was before, obviously. I am predciting about 5-6 more chapters. Who knows.. maybe more... BUT the good news is... I already have a sequel laid out. NOT TO WORRY. You can't get rid of me that easily. 

--PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me suggestions about the story. I know a lot of you want Zayn's POV, so please stop sending me just "Zayn Pov" comments and messages without anythign else written. I get it haha! Please give me plot details whether they be far in the future, or present. It will really help me out and give me a lot of motivation to get this next chapter out bc right now I'm at 0. 

If you guys have any other questions please comment below or message me. Leave comments telling me what you think of the main points of this note.

Love you all and Ramadan Mubarak to all my lovelies who celebrate!! 

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