Chapter 2: Bring Me To Life

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The loud incessant ringing of my phone woke me up the next morning. Ella’s groaning from beside me only grew louder by the minute until it was a full on growl.

“Answer it, my GOD” She screamed through the covers.

She really was a monster in the morning. I glanced at my clock and muttered in annoyance at the idiot who would call me at six AM.

“Hello” I placed the phone between the pillow and my ear and closed my eyes, not in the mood for any conversation at this hour.

“Char!” The deep voice made me wince at the volume.

“Harreh” I greeted my twin brother half-heartedly.

“Try to be a little happier to hear my voice you nutter. I’m your brother”

“Harry, it’s 6 in the morning” I groaned.

“What? Niall you told me it was ten you idiot!” He shouted and I groaned again.

“Harry, your voice”

“Sorry babe. I’ll call back in a few hours.”

“mmkay” I hung up and quickly snuggled back into the covers.

“Your brother needs to learn how to tell time” Ella muttered.

I mhmed in agreement and we both quickly fell back asleep.

A few hours later I woke up again to the same ringing and Ella was way ahead of me.

“Goddammit Harry. Let us sleep. We were up until like four AM!” She answered, “Oh! Oh my God. I’m sorry Ms. Cox!” I immediately started giggling. It was my mom. “Yeah, three movies and a sugar coma later” She laughed and handed me the phone. “It’s your mum.”

“Yeah?” I asked sarcastically and took the phone.

“Hey mummy”

“Hey sweetie. I’m just calling to remind you that I’ll be waiting for you at the manor at four thirty today. There’s a whole bunch of tastings we need to go through.”

“Oh right, yeah sure I’ll be there after work”

“So don’t fill up!” She laughed. “I know you and your munching tendencies.”

I laughed, “No worries. I shall eat all the cake I can.”

“That’s my girl. And call your brother! He’s been trying to reach you.”

“Yes, at six AM. I’ll call him when I’m fully awake and when Ella isn’t snoring.”

“Four O’clock eh? How come you conk out at eleven all other nights, but when Ella’s there you manage to find the strength to stay up until the crack of dawn?”

“Her company thrills me, mother” I answered in sarcasm and she laughed.

“Alright, get going you cheekster. You’re almost as bad as your twin.”

“So I’ve been told. However, I am far better looking.”

“I agree. You take after your mother.”

I laughed and we quickly said our goodbyes before I headed off to the bathroom. My mother was moving on to bigger and better things; meaning she had found herself a great bachelor who had fallen in love with her fabulous charming ways and was to getting married next month. Robin was a great guy who basically made it his prerogative to keep my mum, brother, and I smiling. In fact that black jeep outside was courtesy of him when I started walking again. I hadn’t seen my mum so happy ever, especially the past year when I became the only important thing in her life. And surprisingly Robin wouldn’t have it any other way. He happily took third place after myself and Harry and helped my mom through that rough time. Now that I was doing better I have been pushing her to get the wedding plans going and she finally set a date. For the past few weeks she has been busying me with all these errands and appointments, but I was more than happy to fulfill my maid of honor duties.

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