Chapter 3: Hey Harry, Look What They're Doin' To Me

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That night I had decided to take an early leave to bed. After work my back was bothering me a bit so I decided to not overdo it and just stay in my bed for the rest of the night. I was too full to move anyway. Mum and I had decided on the black and white mousse cake which literally was ridiculously delicious. We were caught between the milk truffle and that one so with a quick call to Harry who had been sleeping, the decision was sorted. He knew his food, that boy. I was on my laptop, watching the latest video of the boys’ show from last night. The smile on my face grew as I watched my brother muck around backstage with the others and I found myself laughing almost to stitches at certain parts. Especially at Niall, he had this different sense of humor that mixed so well with his cheeky accent. Once the video was over I sighed, getting that familiar pang of really missing my twin. Harry and I were always inseparable and the months without him were pretty damn hard.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started vibrating on the bed. I smiled wide when I saw the name on my screen.

“Twin!” I greeted excitedly, laying back against my pillows.

“Hey, Little One” His voice was low like he was trying his best to be quiet.

“Why are we whispering?” I matched my tone to his.

“We’re at the hotel and Zayn is sleeping beside me. How was your day?”

“Oh, got it. Why don’t you just go outside then?”

“We aren’t allowed out of our rooms. Some fans managed to get through security. Honestly, I don’t think it’s such a big deal. I don’t mind them coming here.”

“Of course you don’t” I laughed.

“Hey! I’m dedicated to my fans.”

“DTF?” I giggled, remembering the photos I saw online.

“I thought that’s what it stood for!” He shouted and I could hear the distinct SHHH from Zayn.

“How could you not know what it stood for?” I laughed harder. “And your face when you found out too!”

“I’m just more innocent than you.”

“Oh totally.” I nodded with an eyeroll.

“ANYWAY, you cheeky one, how was your day?”

 I laughed, “I just came home from the appointment and dinner with mum. We took your choice by the way. So you have that to look forward to.”

“Nice!” He whisper-shouted in triumph. “So what are you doing now?”

“Just in bed.”

“At… ten o’clock?”

“Ah, someone has learned the time difference” I teased, “And yeah. I had to lift this enormous mannequin at work today so I decided to end the night early.”

“Mannequin? Why the hell were you lifting anything to begin with?” I could already detect his big brother voice. He had decided to ignore the fact that Zayn was sleeping right beside him, now.

“I got off easy. She wanted me to lift the new shipments. But I refused. It wasn’t too bad anyway. It was all plastic.”

“Please Charlie-Bear, you’ve got to be careful. Maybe I could lay the old Harry Styles Charm on that nasty manager of yours when I come in two weeks. Maybe she’ll ease up. ” I could hear him winking from here, I swear.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh, “Yeah? Well that Styles Charm does come in quite handy if I do say so myself.”

“No, no I said Harry Styles Charm. You’re not allowed to have charm.”

My Reason To Be (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now