Deleted Scenes Idea

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But this is not a new chapter, so please don't hate me for somehow giving you hope! Season one has been over and you know that! However, this is a little idea that I have been mulling over for a while and I wanted your input. 

Since I know a ton of you have been asking me to release MRTB Season 2 earlier, I decided to make things a little easier. I unfortunately cannot upload the new season earlier because a) chapter one is not even written yet b) I am sooo sooo overwhlemed with school and my master's degree that I hardly have time to breathe c) Tinman is taking up my free writing time and I am slowly falling harder and harder in love with it an can't afford to miss a weekly update because I'm really trying to create a fanbase for it. 

SOOOO with all that said, how do you guys feel about Deleted Scenes? Basically it will be like random snippets of things that have happened throughout the story that were never actually 'aired', if you will. They can be before Charlie even met Zayn all the way until where I ended things off. This is not just exclusively for Zarlotte, but Henelope can be done, Payzer and Elounor too! It can literally be ANYTHING. Each deleted scene will probably range from like 5-10 pages and will be randomly updates as my time permits. I'll make a completely new folder for it called 'MRTB: Deleted Scnes' and you will find them all there! Also, nothing has to be in order. Just because one day I do a scene when Zarlotte are together, doesn't mean I can't do the next scene from the Matt Days. 

The only thing is I really need you guys' help. Since I'll be doing my job by writing, I'm giving you the opportunity/duty to send me ideas. I'll pick one whenever I am free and write it out and upload it to you guys. If you add the Deleted Scenes folder to your library, you will notified when I update just like with the other stories. SO, I am taking annnyyyy idea you may have for a deleted scene through comments on here, messages, or twitter. If I am not particularly feeling a certain idea you have because I'm lacking inspiration or whatever it is, I will definitely let you know and ask you to give me an alternative! So litrally anything is on the table! 

What do you guys think of this idea? Or do you just want to wait until January? It's up to you guys! Majority vote wins! I'll tweet to let you know the final result and if you don't have twitter then I will make another one of these to let you know! ?

Reach me at @myreasonto1D

or message or comment!! 

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