An Announcement!

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I'm sorry if you guys thought this is the new chapter. I'm still working on that- kind of trying to drag out My Reason To Be: Season One because I don't want to part with my baby. 

But I have been thinking about something for a while now and I really need you guys' input on it. It's a really big deal to me and if I can find enough support, it can easily happen. 

So the huge news is...

What do you guys think of a Harry Fic? Nothing related to My Reason To Be. Just a completely separate Harry fic  with a completely new cast and different world. It's going to be much more intense than MRB (My Reason To Be) and faces a lot of different issues. Would that be something you're interested in? 

I've been feeling really inpisred about it lately and can't get the idea out of my head. So I need your support in this. Please comment below and tell me how you feel. I have a really good feeling about this all and just need your input.

Chapter 61 of MRB will be up by the end of the week hopefully! But for now please pelase please let me know what you think. 

kisses kisses kisses

My Reason To Be (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now