Chapter 4: We Just Buy and Wear the Plastic Version of Love

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“Charlotte fix this. Charlotte, you’re doing it wrong. Charlotte, run and get me this” I muttered to myself as I tried to put together the display Jamie had left me with. All day today she had been giving me these ridiculous projects that weren’t even my job. They were Kate’s, but Kate called absent today so here I was. My once perfect outfit was now disheveled and wrinkled, my dress hiking up my ass every five minutes. I was actually satisfied with my hair this morning too, but now it was a chocolate piled mess atop my head.

“What? Why isn’t it—“ I tried to pull harder on the bar to get it in the right place but that was a completely bad idea. I screeched as it came down fast towards my head.

However, the impact never came. I looked up to see a pale arm holding the bar away from my head. I followed said arm to find Matt’s amused face still half covered with his Ray Bans.

“You alright there?” He lifted the bar back to its position and I crawled out from underneath the entire rack.

“Yeah, thanks. That almost killed me.” I reached up and hugged him, giggling when he lifted me off my feet.

“No worries, sweetie” He smiled and pushed his glasses up. I cringed inwardly at the term of endearment. I absolutely detested it. “How’s work?”

I shrugged, “It’s okay. How’s the internship?” Matt worked at a lawyer’s office to prepare him for university so he was gone about three days a week.

“Eh, the same. Lawyers are really angry people.” He stated with a shudder.

“Oh well I hope you don’t turn out like that.” I poked his side and walked over to the other rack to fix it.

“We shall see” He laughed, “So I wanted to stop by to ask if you wanted to go out for dinner and a movie tonight.”

I turned to him with furrowed eyebrows, “Matt I told you I have a physical therapy appointment today.”

He groaned, “Oh that’s right. Well the lads and I are going so just text me when you’re out of there.”

I stopped my fixing and glanced up at him. “So you were inviting me to go with you and the lads..”

He nodded, “Yeah, we’re off to see The Raven.”

“Matt, I hate scary movies. You know that.”

He sighed, “Babe, it’s make-believe. Come on.”

“Charlotte, I need you in the back” Jamie’s call interrupted us.

I glanced back at Matt, “You go ahead with your friends. I’ll just have Ella take me.”

He groaned, “Does that mean Ella’s coming?”

I snapped my head in his direction. “No. And I’d appreciate it if you don’t act like that about my best friend. I surely tolerate all your friends.”

“Tolerate? They hardly even speak to you.” He retorted, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Exactly!” I exclaimed. “whatever, listen I’ve got to go. Jamie’ll have my head. Have fun tonight. Don’t worry about me.” I walked past him but he held me back by my hand.

“Char, I love you”

I smiled tightly at him and nodded, “I know. I’ll text you later.”

He smiled and walked towards the door as I headed to the back, mentally cursing him. He was always pulling shit like this. I don’t expect him to remember every damn appointment, but I had just told him last night. Honestly.

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