That Stupid Goose

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Me, Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay decided to go for a walk in the park on Halput road when we saw a goose.

"Look at that goose." Jay said, as he finished his ice cream cone, that we bought awhile ago. "Watch it run."

I rolled my eyes.  Nobody can run faster then the green ninja.... not even a goose!

I puffed out my chest. "Nobody can run faster then me. For I am the GREEN NINJA!" I yell at the end making the goose look up.

"Oh, really?" Cole decided to test the he through a rock at the goose then dashed behind a tree.

He peeked around the tree with an evil grin." Bwhahaha."

"Pffft. You guys are unbelievable." Kai speaks up. He leans on Zane acting all cool.

"He even brought his shades." Jay whispered.

I watch as Kai puts on his sunglasses and smirks at some nearby fan girls.

I rolled my eyes. No one can out run me. And no one is cooler the me.

I took a step forward. The time has come for the green ninja to prove himself to his so called buddies.

As I approached the goose there was a noise. BABABaBAAA!!?!

I turned around to see a band playing spooky music. Cole was right there smiling. "It's my emergency band." Coles bloated.

Who keeps an emergency band?

Obviously Cole does. I mean obviously.

I guess he is following in his fathers foot prints in more way then one.

I shuddered. He has an awful taste in music.

Anyway. I approached the goose.


I turned around to find Kai acting so uncool, Zane just stood there, Jay waving to some hot chick, and Cole directing a band.

I slapped my face. Losers.

I continued on my quest. Except the only problem was that every single time I would take a step, Cole would play some more bababa music.

I growled in frustration.

I took a deep breath. I then spun around and ignored my teammates and their horrible taste in music.

I'll show them.

I grabbed a stone that was on the ground. It was more like a pebble then a stone to be honest. But a stone sounds awesomer. And makes me seem more of a brave and handsome green ninja.

I army saluted to some girls behind the goose. They blushed, giggled and waved. I must do this. For me and my pride.

I threw the rock.

It soared through the air and was going to land on the goose. But the goose dodged and hit the egg. And the egg hatched? Or no...-wait. It broke!?

The goose looked up in anger at me before honking loudly. It charged.

I screamed, turned and started to run.

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