Swimsuit Surprise.

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"Hey guys!" Nya cheered. She stood there in a pink and blue bikini, which had little sparkly lightning bolts on the sides. She actually looked hot. Even if she did have Jays element.

Jay's mouth fell open. I seriously think that I could have crawled inside.

But I wouldn't do that if course. After all, it was Jays mouth.


"Nya" he cooed, his eyes dropping.

What a weirdo.

"Uh sis!" Kai ran forward, covering her with her towel. "What are you doing?"

"Relax, Kai" she said dragging the 'ax'. "I'm just going swimming!"

"Haha. Riiiiiigh" Kai stepped back slowly.

I smirked. Overprotective much?

I looked between Nya and Jay and realized that I would be overprotective too.

With Jay, anything could happen. Jay stuttered forward.

"Nya, maybe you and I can go swimming or somewhere because I would love to go swimming with you, that is if you want me there. I would like to go but I don't have too if you don't want me too....." He kept stuttering on and Cole moaned loudly.

Zane, for some reason peered over the deck. Kai looked ready to kick both his sis AND Jay over the side.

I'm with Kai.

Now, back to Zane. What was that Nindroid doing now?

I walked up to him and out my arm around him.

"Sup bro?"

"Would you like to go swimming?" Zane asked.


With that he pushed me off the Bounty.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed, the wind wiping through my ears and hair.


This is what, the third, fourth time I landed in water?

"ZANE!" I sputtered once I reached the top.

The other ninja, and Nya, were leaning over the side, laughing their heads off.

It was kind of funny.

"Cannon ball!" Nya screamed, throwing herself off the side of the ship.

"Quick!" Cole screamed. "Lets get changed!" He charged inside.

"What about me!?" I asked.

Kai looked down on me. "What's the use, kid? You're already wet!"

With that, he disappeared with a swish of his butt.

Haha. That sounded awesome.

Three minutes later, after the boys left and me and Nya dunked each other, Zane appeared.

He was wearing white swim shorts with big wavy designs.

"I hope it's not see-through, Zane!" Nya called.

Zane shook his head. "It shouldn't be!" He switched on his funny switch and dived in.

After he dived in, Kai came out. Red flames lined his swimsuit and it was outlined in black. His hair seemed to have extra gel in it, since when he flipped in, it stayed sticking up.

"Waterproof gel!" Nya whispered to me.

It looked like those flames would burn his butt. When he landed, I was expecting a big SWOOSH sound and smoke would come up.

But that didn't happen.

Zane and Kai were having a race around the Bounty, when Cole came out.

You'll never guess what his swimsuit was.

Little cakes everywhere! And they were all different!

"Wow," Nya whispered to me. "He's really into that cake stuff."

He sure is. I don't know how he swims though. Wouldn't he want to eat his swimsuit?

Nya looked up at the Bounty in shock.

Out came Jay.

"What are you wearing?" I screamed at him.

Zane and Cole looked and started laughing, while Kai covered his sisters eyes.

I wouldn't let my sister date this crazy either.

"My mom bought it!" Jay moaned. "It's the only one I brought along!"

I tried to keep my laughter inside. Jays cheeks turned red and he said something I couldn't understand.

Then he jumped, twisted in the air, and headed straight for Nya.

I thought the guy always caught the girls! That's what they do in the movies anyway.

Guess real life is different.


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