Kiss A Turtle? Obviously.

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Jays POV AS WELL IN DIFFERENT BOOK! For more info, read authors note at the bottom.

Chapter in 'Jay the Blue Ninja Blog' is birthday disaster (for me)

So here we are, gathered around in the Game Room, opening Coles presents.

Well, Coles opening them. I'm watching. My birthday isn't for a while. Too bad. I need new candy stash. I'm on my last mint and only have two bag of suckers left.

Jay smirked and stepped forward, past the controller that was soaked by Kai's tears.

Kai, the black eyed ninja, seemed to have gotten over his loss. Zane apologized. Kai forgave him.

All was good.

Except my awesome present wasn't wrapped.

Jays present was so obvious. It was wrapped in the smallest package ever. In the envelope obviously was a gift card. I mean OBVIOUSLY.

And where does Cole like to go? Bing bing! The bakery!

"Happy birthday Cole!" and Jay hands Cole the present. I roll my eyes.

Zapbag looks, and just to rub it in, I roll eyes again.

Cole greedily rips open the present.

I rolled my eyes for the third time and raised my arms in victory. I knew I was right! I obviously guessed this right on. OBVIOUSLY.

"Thanks....Jay." I could tell Cole was obviously confused. Like OBVIOUSLY. 

Jay puffed up his chest. "It's the best eyebrow gel in the world!"

I choked on nothing.


Zane thumped me on the back, causing me to sprawl onto Jay, who was making his way to his seat next to Kai.

We collapsed on the floor.

My elbow hit Jays ear, making him growl at me. I stumbled, trying to get up, but kept falling backward on Jay. Kai was in hysterics and Cole looked a little concerned. Zane went over and picked me up... YES, PICKED ME UP,(I must be so light) and placed me in Jays spot, next to Kai.

"Stay!" He told me. Jay stayed panting on the blue rug, moaning.

Cole looked at me, at Jay, and back at me again. "So...who's next?"

Wow. No need to feel sorry for me since my arm was hurting super bad. I can't believe I only had my cast on for four days! I still have like I don't know how many days, but it's a lot!

How will I survive?

Anyway, Kai got up next, making the couch bounce a little. Forget Cole! Kai needs to go on a diet!

Anyway, Kai took a HUGE step over Jay and handed his present to Cole, ignoring the little sounds that Jay was making. I think he was saying 'blue' or something.

Cole also ripped open Kai's present, which was, by the way, wrapped in a garbage bag. I mean, really?!

Jay shot up straight, a look of terror on his face. "Where's the blue rug?"

Oh. My. Everyone looked at The Lightning Ninja with concern. I rolled my eyes. "You're sitting on it, Jay. I mean, obviously."

Duh. Obviously.

Jay stuttered. "Heh heh heh, I knew that." Jay scratched his head, obviously embarrassed. I mean OBVIOUSLY.

Anyway, Kai's gift was finally opened and it was a pair of sunglasses. Black, bad cop, sunglasses.

Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt