Toothpaste is Manly

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"I don't want to knock!"

"Just do it!"

"No you!"

Sighing, Kai hit his forehead on the door three times.

Ouch! I winced. Maybe I should have knocked, since Kai was holding boxes.

Boxes of what, may you ask?

Toothpaste. Three entire boxes of toothpaste.

I tried to explain to Jay that I was dreaming and that he didn't need the toothpaste, but he wouldn't hear of it.

Now, he's brushing his teeth nonstop, using all his 'Electrifying White' toothpaste up. Nya's freaking out because she's thinking his teeth are going to fall out.

Zane's mad because Jay used all of his 'Ice Cool Mint' toothpaste. Coles mad because Jay used all his 'Chocolate Cake' toothpaste.

Ew. I mean, who even uses that stuff? Who even INVENTS that stuff?

Jay also used all my 'Green and Great' toothpaste, but I don't mind.

It has to be better than his revenge, what ever that is!

Kai's the only one who offered to go shopping with me to buy Jay more toothpaste. I was surprised, because usually Kai doesn't like shopping for other people.

I think it's because he wants to by more 'It's Hot, Im Hot' toothpaste, before Jay uses all his.

I don't know who can use that stuff! It makes my mouth on fire!

Jay still has yet to consume Kai's and Sensei Wu's.

His 'Terrific Tea' flavored.


Why is everything tea with him?

So now Kai is holding all the boxes of toothpaste and knocking, WITH HIS FOREHEAD, on the bathroom door, where Jay is.

I'm scared he will use ME to brush his teeth.

Nobody can use the best!

Except he just did. He made me go get toothpaste.

Never mind. Lets just forget that.

The door creaked open and I hid behind Kai, peeking out from behind him. He glared at me.

What? Jay still has to get his revenge!

Jay was sitting on a stool, wiping tears away and looking in a mirror, admiring his teeth.

"How am I supposed to kiss Nya with dirty teeth?"

"Uhhhhhh." I muttered.

"How 'bout don't?" Kai told him, placing the boxes of tooth paste on the counter. He knelt down next to his tear stained teammate as he realized his comment hurt his friend.

"Seriously dude," he said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure Nya will like you with clean teeth or not."

"But Lloyd said my teeth were dirty!" Jay insisted.

"It. Was. A. Dream!" I said through clenched teeth.

Kai looked back and forth between us.

"Prove it!" Jay yelled.

"How am I supposed to prove a dream?" I screamed back.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you claimed my teeth were dirty!"

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" I exclaimed. "I said to brush your teeth because your breath stinks!"

"So it's my breath now?" Jay raged. "What next? My EARWAX?"

"STOP!" Kai screamed. I breathed in and out quickly and Jay opened and closed his fists. "You both made a mistake! Can't you just go with that?" He asked in desperation.

I humphed and folded my hands over my chest. Jays eyes sparked at me.

"Now," Kai said calmly, "I am going to leave you in here to settle this in a manly way." I was kind of surprised, since Kai was usually the one who was deep into these arguments.

Him and his tempers.

I never have had a temper.

Then he left, locking the door behind us. That will always be in my dreams now, haunting them. The sound the lock made when it clicked.

That, or the red faced Lightning Ninja I turned and faced.

"NOOO!" I screamed flying at the door. "Let me go Kai!"

"No can do!" Kai claimed. "I threw away the key."

"No!" I moaned falling to the floor. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME!" I slammed the cupboards shut and hit my feet and fists on the floor. "I wanna get out!"

When I finally realized that he wasn't going to let me out any time soon, I turned to face my friend. My enemy. My frienemy.

"He said manly," Jay growled, his eyes flickering to the counter.

"Yes," I agreed, voice low.

We both reached over and grabbed a box of toothpaste.

I hope this will be manly enough for Kai.


hope you guys like this chapter! I had a little spare time today so TADA!

Tell my what you think!

If you could have any element, what would you have and why.

I would have water because I love to swim. 💦💧💦💧
But fire would be awesome too, because it's cool looking (and it is Kai's)😝😉💥💥💥


Thanks for commenting, voting, and sharing my story!
Next chapter soon I hope!!

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