Chicken Baths

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"Hey Nya," Zapbag cooed over Kai's sister. She blushed and Kai clenched his fist under the table.

Haha. This was gonna be a good dinner.

I stirred my mashed patatoes around my plate, coping Kai. Except Kai mixes his with chicken and peas. He even puts it on bread!

I'm not that crazy.

I just mix it.

Jay scratched his face and he took his normal place next to Nya, who was between him and Sensei Wu, who was at the head of the table.


He muttered something 'bout getting more tea and then he left.


Anyway, I was across from Nya, next to Sensei and Cole.

And Cole was slurping his drink next to me.

In my ear.


I flicked a little piece of chicken which hit him in the eye.


"Lloyd!" the shaggy hair boy whined. Zane handed him a napkin.

Laughing, I reached across the table and took a scoop of peas and placed it carefully on the plate, not wanting them to roll into my chicken or potatoes.

"So," Kai started the conversation at the table, "has anyone seen my itching powder? It seems to have vanished!"

I kicked Kai under the table, which was kind of hard, since the mighty Cole was between us, but I caused him to yelp and look accusingly at me. I just smiled and ate my peas.

Usually I don't like vegetables, but anything green is yummy.

"No," Nya said, checking around her. "I haven't."

I love how she did that. She LOOKED around her. Like it would be sitting next to her saying 'Here I am! Find me!'

I kinda wish stuff would do that. I would never have to look for my candy stash. I always hide it because Kai and Jay always gang up on me and tickle me until I tell them were my stash is.

Luckily, I forget where I hid the last one.

But now I can't eat my candy!


Anyway, Jay itched his nose and took another bite of his biscuit.

Zane peered at the food he prepared and poked his chicken. "Isn't Itching Powder the substance that creates your skin to be annoyed, causing the itches?"

"Yup!" Cole smiled and shoved the whole spoonful of peas in his mouth and shot one at me.

"As long as you didn't use it on anyone," Jay chuckled nervously, scratching his back. He looked between me and Kai, who suddenly couldn't look into his eyes.

I flung a little chicken bone at Cole, who narrowed his eyes.

"Why...why would we do that?" I stuttered.

"Because your Lloyd." Jay was firm in his answer. "And Kai."

Zane swallowed his spoonful of patatoes and nodded in agreement, carefully wiping his face with a napkin. "You two are the most who play pranks."

"What!" I defended myself. "What about the time where you...." I trailed off, noticing that Zane's eyebrow was raised and he was waiting for an answer.

"What about the time where Jay......told me....."

Mind blank.


Think stupid brain!

I slammed my head on the table. "Think!"

Bad idea. Bad thinking.

Food went flying and Cole got hit with the ENTIRE mashed patatoes pot.

In his lap.

Wow. That must be pretty uncomfortable.

A few peas fell out of my hair and landed in Coles lap, making it look like a pea and potato monster.

"Hahah!" Jay laughed. He itched his bottom and made me laugh. Cole however, didnt like everyone laughing at him.

Kai was rolling on the floor and Nya was bent over, holding her stomach. Jay was laughing, now scratching his belly like there was no tomorrow and Zane was choking on his milk.

Cole grabbed me, flipped me upside down and dunked my head in the chicken pot.

"AHHHH!" I screamed and bubbles came up from my mouth. I'm rather embarrassed that he could pick me up. I must be super light.

Either that, or Cole is super strong.

I guess it could be both.

"Cole, why don't you take Lloyd out of the food?" Nya asked calmly, standing up and hitting Zane on the back to help him breathe.

When I finally was taken out and seated back down, chicken pieces came out my nose and I sneezed.

Lets just say, that itching Jay wasn't the happiest.

"EEEEWWWW!" He shrieked like a little girl, flicking a piece of chicken at Kai and making him growl. Jay wiped the rest on Zane, then itched his bottom once more.

Nya looked disgusted.

"Sorry...'puff puff'...Nya, but.... I'm just so....'puff puff'....ITTTCHY!" He screamed.

Zane raised his eyebrow once more and looked in Kai and my direction. I found my squished peas rather interesting.

"I think I know what happened to Kai's Itching Powder," Zane said thoughtfully.

I snapped my fingers.

Shoot. We were caught.

Cole stood up and faced Nya, who was running her hands over Jays back.

"Can I dunk him again?" Asked the Ninja of Earth, ready to grab me.

"No," said the Samurai X. "I have a better idea."

This would be bad.

I looked to Kai for help, which made HIM find my now squished peas interesting.

I would never go down. I clung to my chair for dear life. "NOOOO!" I screamed, not ready to face my death of drowning in chicken sauce.

I had to do something, and something quick.


Sorry guys, this was a long chapter. I'm not sure if it was good or not.


I was super bored today, helping my brother get his college stuff together. Let me just say....


I was sooo amazed! They created a whole building just for the students to hang out an relax.

Anyway, enough about my life.

Tell me what you think of this chapter! :) love hearing about it.

Question of the day....

Do you think that there should be more ninjas? Or do you think how it is is perfect?

Tell me! Please, I would love the comment and vote.

Love my fans.... ALLIGATOR

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