Sappy Romance Movies Aren't for Me.

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So here was Jay. Sitting in Nya's arms, with pink flowered shorts.


He like brightened up the entire water!!

Kai was pretty mad about him on his sister though.

Jay got dunked good.

I just laughed.


So after a few minutes of laughing and a water fight, we swam until dark. Soon we found ourselves inside, showered, and seated on the couches around our big screen and Kai's Fist2Face3 game.

The one that Cole beat all the records on.

That was me. I loved hacking into Coles things. Or Kai's things. Or Jays. Not Zane's because he could track down who did it.

Computer geek.

Nya. Pass. Who wants to hack into a girls computer?

So anyway, Kai and me were playing Fist2Face3, with Kai beating me unfortunately.

Jay and Nya didn't want to play. They were being all lovey dovey and stuff.


Soon they started complaining and we ended up watching a romance movie. I didn't mind for once because Kai was beating me by a long shot.

Not that I would admit it, though. He was cheating somehow.

So Zane was sitting on the far end of the couch, with his big popcorn bowl. And I was sitting next to him.

And he wasn't letting me get any popcorn.

Kai was at the other end and Cole was next to him and Jay.

And in the middle, was the couple.

And I was sitting next to THEE couple.

Who were, by the way, crying hysterically.

It wasn't even that sad! I mean, these were all actors and actresses, right?? Just because they were trapped in a cave and about to die doesn't mean it's real!

So, to the black box.

"Bob!" The girl on the TV cried. "Will we ever make it out alive?"

"Of course they will!" Kai interrupted, pausing the movie.

CRUNCH- went Zane's popcorn. I eyed it and tried to get some but he slapped my hand away. I glanced to the other side of the room.

Cole quickly wiped his tears away.

Too late, Coley-boy. I saw that.

"They're the main characters!" Kai went on. "They have to live, or they wouldn't have made this movie!"

He looked at me and I just sat and stared at him blankly.

Does he think the kid will be on his side? Think again, Hothead.

"Can we just watch?" Nya asked her brother.

"Ya, get on with it!" Jay said, fake yawning and stretching his arm around Nya.


I mean, EWWW!

Okay fine, they were cute. I would never tell them though.

Kai pushed play.

"Baby!" Bob kissed the girl, Frieda," I have a plan!" CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH.


Kai paused the movie again.

Moaning and groaning.

"Even if the main characters couldn't get out, the girl would! After all, guys will have to save the maidens in distress!"

"So why weren't you ever saved?" Cole inquired. Kai through a pillow at him.

"Because I'm not a girl!"

"Really?" I asked. I got a pillow in the face.

"Kai," Nya growled. He quickly pressed play.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cole scoot forward. He wiped another tear away.

Looks like Coley-boy isn't as tough as he looks.

"What is it, darling?" Frieda cooed. "Tell me, sweetheart!" CRUNCH CRUNCH.

Kai paused the movie. Letting you know, this happens alot with any of the movies we watch. Kai always has to pause it and tell us what's wrong.

Next time, I'll get the remote.

We all groaned. Sorry, but this movie was intense.

"What?" Cole snapped.

"Why don't they just call each other by there real names? It always 'honey' or 'Dollface'. I mean, what kind of movie is this?"

I groaned and Nya sighed. "It's called RO-MANCE"

"But why don't they use the real names?"

"Because they don't want too," Jay explained in his Im-so-good kind of voice. "Isn't that right, muffin?" He looked down at Nya who laid her head on his shoulder.

"That's right, dear."

Jay kissed Nya on the cheek.
It was actually very brave of him. She could have stood up and slapped him or ordered her brother to break his legs.

Instead, she blushed.

I moaned. Zane crunched. Cole wiped his eyes. Kai pressed play on the remote.

Back to the Black Box.

"The plan is," Bob leaned forward and Frieda did too. A horrible beast came out from behind her. "You distract the beast, and Ill run!"

With that he took off.


"What kind of plan is that?" Frieda yelled to Bob, her nose wrinkling. CRUNCH



With that the beast ate Frieda and the screen went black.


"Good movie," Cole sat up and straightened his ninja outfit. Jay and Nya left the room.

"I still don't understand why Bob didn't...". Kai started.

Cole didn't let him finish. A pillow flew into his face.

CRUNCH- went the last bit of Zane's popcorn.

We all glared.

"Done!" He smiled at us and left the room.



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