The Victim and The Victim

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We took Kai to the mirror. He wanted to see his 'new and improved look'

I tried to escape, but Zane grabbed me by the seat of the pants.

"Your not going anywhere," he gruffly whispered in my ear as he shoved me in the bathroom with the rest of the guys.

Well, brainiac, I'm not going anywhere if you have my pants.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing? I wouldn't go anywhere without my pants.

Now the bathroom.

Lets just say, that we all forgot about Kai's hair as we gazed into the bathroom.

The first thing I saw was my "Green and Great" toothpaste.

Turns out, that's the first thing Jay saw as well.

And Kai as well, since the mirror was covered and he couldn't see his reflection.

Kai sniffed.

And guess who started pointing fingers first?!

Give you a hint, it wasn't a girl. Unless you consider Kai as a girl.

Then you would get a pillow in the face.

Surprise! It was me!

Kai sniffed.

"HE DID IT!" I accused, pointing mercilessly at Jay, who stood stunned. "It's his fault! He threatened me!"

"Oh did I?" Jay asked. "With what?"

I paused. I needed to think of something. And something fast.

Kai sniffed.

"Uh..." I muttered, "With a candy filled bacon, cheesy, lemon juiced, with pickles, salad on a toast with jam and beets. You know how I can never resist that!"

I glared back, but I don't think the others believed me, since they all made 'fake sick' faces and Cole stepped in between us.

"You both did it!" He accused. "And your both going to clean it up!"

Kai sniffed. Him and his stupid sniffs.

Zane handed us a mop and a bucket.

I took the bucket. That means I not have to do that much work.

Yes yes YES!! I did a little happy dance.

But then Zane gave me the other mop.


"Mop!" He and Cole ordered at the same time.

I bent my back. And the others left the room.

It took us about five hours. HOURS! I could have been playing Minecraft with Cole right now. Instead, I was moping with a cheater.

It was all HIS fault. So much for taking the blame for others, Jay.

They were supposed to protect the Green Ninja.

But no.....


And the whole time we were mopping, guess who was whining outside?

"Now?" Kai whined.

He felt his hair and sniffed.

Wow. He's really attached to his hair. Like alot.

And Im the one who cut it.

Help me.


"NOOOO!" Me and Jay bellowed at the same time. Kai is the victim.

Finally, we were done, when Kai asked the six millionth time.


He entered the 'now toothpaste free' room. Zane, Jay, and my eyes connected. Cole smirked.

He wasn't guilty. I wish he was. He could take the blame for me.

A single tear rolled down Kai's cheek. I was super surprised. Usually, Kai keeps his emotions inside, not wanting us to see him vulnerable. We won't even know he's depressed until BOOM! We say something and he snaps at us and gets all mad.

He reached a trembling hand up and felt his tufts of hair.

I sniffed. WAIT!!
Kai sniffed, sorry.

Okay, maybe it was me. I felt bad, since I gave Kai the haircut that made him look like a mad, bald monkey with a few strands of hair left on his left side.

Good thing he's left handed. Not sure how that benefits him, but I'm glad....because he's left handed...?

Anyway, guess who started pointing fingers, telling who to blame for this awful disaster?

Me. Obviously. I needed to take the blame. It was all me, Kai. I was the one who you made to go apologize to Jay and who squirted the toothpaste and who cut you hair.

Joking. I would NEVER do that.

I pointed at Jay, AGAIN. He's the victim.

Heh heh heh.

"HE DID IT!" I accused the second time.

"Oh ya!" Jay screamed back. "Prove it!"

"You threatened me!" I yelled at the victim. "You told me--"

Mind blank. Think Lloyd, think!

I wiggled my toes. Somehow, that helps me think.

Kai tapped his foot, expecting me to say something dumb.

And I did.


Inward slap in the face. With a book. A book with spikes. And a concrete cover.


The others started laughing, shoulders moving up and down, chuckling like there was no tomarrow.

I hung my head. How dumb could I get?

I'm not to dumb, since I was the one to see Nya behind Kai and Zane.

Uh oh.

Guess who was the one who pointed his fingers?

Me. At Nya. Everyone froze at slowly turned around, facing the sister of the Ninja of Fire.



Okay, this chapter was SUPER LONG!

And I came to a decision.

I'm going to FINISH the book when I reach the 50th update, which is soon! ;( (Kai's sniff)

But.... I will continue it in another book.... ABOUT KAI'S POINT OF VIEW!

Or should I stick with Lloyd's?

I'm tryin to decide. Soo.....

IT'S UR CHOICE! Vote, share, comment and tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading! _ALLIGATOR

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