The Sneaky Sleepy Robot Trickster, That Saved My Life.

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"What do you think your doing?" Sensei bellowed, making me flinch.

His beard breath smelt disgusting!

Cole smacked his head on the bed and groaned.

Bad move, Coley-boy.

Sensei Wu grabbed me by the shirt and yanked me out from under the bed. I screamed.


"You two are going to have to lean a lesson!" My 'uncle' declared.

I gulped the same gulp as Cole. Same time. Same second. Hey wait! That seems like we are twins! I gulped again. My nightmare would begin if me and Cole are twins.....

My thoughts were interrupted by a sleepy headed Zane, who came slumbering through the door.

"Shut up!"

He turned around and walked out.

"Okaaaaaay," I said, dragging the 'at' sound. "I wasn't expecting that."

I turned back to my -GULP- uncle and Cole who.....

Wasn't there!?

Where was Cole?

That fatty. He must have slipped out while Zane distracted us. They planned this all along!

I thought deeper, realization settling in.


My uncle seemed to notice the same thing. He threw my on the bed and tore after Zane and Cole.

I tried to give him support.

"Get them!" I called. "Make them pay!"

I rambled a few more useless things, making sure my uncle was really gone.

I peeked down the hallways and flew past a few doors. I skidded to a stop at our bedroom door.

At least I thought it was our door.

Turns out, it was Nya's door.

And Nya doesn't like to be waken up in the middle of the day.

Well morning


I dove under her bed as she mumbled something about Kai and Jay then flipped over and went back to sleep.

I let out a breath. I slid out from under the bed and looked at Nya. Green and purple eyes stared back as I let out a soft scream

NYA BECAME A BAD GUY! Until I looked closer.

It was a sleeping mask.

I slapped myself mentally.

What a freak.

By the way, I was talking about myself, not Nya, Jays sleeping beauty.

I headed toward the door and and turned the handle slowly.

VERY slowly.

I let myself out and was just about to close the door when I heard a 'ahem'

I turned and saw Kai tapping me on the shoulder.

I let out a breath.

I was safe.

"What were you doing in my sisters room?"

Nevermind. I wasn't safe.

I explained the situation in maybe a little more detail then what happened, but Kai believed me.

I let out another breath. I- we were safe.

Until I heard creaking a in the hallways.


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