Beneath the Bed Beneath the Beard

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It was midnight. The clock struck twelve. There are no mice on the Bounty so none could go running. I woke up. I left my weapons by my bed. I tiptoed into Sensei's room.

Ever try to sneak into a Ninja's room? Its hard. We are very light sleepers.

Except Jay. And Kai. And Cole. And...

Okay, nevermind.

Anyway, I slowly started across the floor, hoping it wouldn't squeak beneath my feet.

I made it to Sensei's bed. He was snoring like a pig. If he wasn't a Ninja, I bet that a Dragon's roar couldn't even wake him up because he snores so loud. I stood and watched him sleep for a second.

He blew out and his beard went up. When he breathed in, it was sucked in his mouth. Then out he blew.

That is so disgusting. Think of all the places that beard has gone.


I crept closer.

That's when Cole showed up. Actually, he slid up, giving me the fright of my life. I thought my heart would burst since it was beating so fast.

"Boo!" he scream whispered, popping out from under the bed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I scream whispered back. Sensei Wu stirred and I dropped like a fly, crawling under the bed with Cole.

We squished together, since Sensei had a small bed. I'd like to say that it was Cole who took up all of the room.

That Fatty.

That's what happens when you eat too much cake, Coley-boy. You get fat.

There was a lot of dust, but I wouldn't sneeze. This wasn't in a movie or my imagination. It was real!!!!

"What are you doing in Sensei's room," Cole asked me.

"You tell me first!" I replied.

"No you!"


Cole flipped me over, letting my hand hit the bed. "YOU!"

I smacked him across the tummy, making him groan. He hit my face and I kicked him. Soon we were grunting and snorting, fighting each other but carefully.

If we hit Sensei's bed, we would both be in huge trouble.

"OUCH!" Cole whispered. What a baby.

That's when we froze. Sensei's snores had stopped. I couldn't hear his beard flapping anymore.

He had gotten out of bed.

His eyes were staring right at us, glowing in the dark, his beard breath blowing in our faces.

Cole gulped.


This. Is. Bad.


ALLIGATOR- hey readers! Comment, like, and follow.

I am begging you to comment. Say what you think about my story. guess what is going to happen next. GIVE ME IDEAS AND PRANKS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS!

thanks for reading.

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