Sniffled, Snaffled, Snuffed

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So yup. The guard came over. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?"

Kai tried to be helpful. "Uh...they are...uh... Swimming?"

Wow. Great help there.

I can always trust Kai to say the most obvious.

When he found out I squished his hanger, he shrugged and was like "there goes that hanger."

No duh, hothead.

So anyway, while the guard was screaming at Kai, his mustache moving up and down, me and Jay made our get away.

Jay snickered.

I laughed.

We ran through the mall dripping wet, leaving Kai behind us. He was stuttering through the guards big speech.

I would have just uses my elements.

Kai is too dumb to try that. To tell you the truth, he's scare of using his baby (his sword) to the best of his ability because he doesn't want to hurt anyone!!!

Anyway, some how we found ourselves in the bakery. Not sure how, but Nya was there as well as Cole and Zane.

We sputtered in.

I sat down at the table and coughed all over Nya.


"Snicker snicker"

Snicker it up, Zapbag, because your next to get snicker at.

HEY! That's a cool line! I'm gonna use that more often!

So I snickered.

"Snickers snickery sNOOK!"

I snooked up all the water that was coming out of my nose.

Nya truly looked disturbed.

So did Jay. And Zane.

They left the table and went to another one.

I smiled at Cole.

MY BUDDY! MY HERO! He stayed behind with ME! WHAT A FRIEND.

I slapped him on the back. "Thanks, Coley-boy!"

He sent me a glare and suddenly I wished I was back in the fountain.

Help. Meeeeeeee.

He got up and left.

What! I knew I couldn't trust Cole. That cheat. I never could call him my friend!


"He's the best?" Zane laughed. I repeat. LAUGHED. "I never want to see the worst!" My 'friends' burst out laughing.

I looked down, tears pooling in my green eyes. I snuffled. Zane's mean switch must be on. I don't think he has one, but he does now!!

Nobody loves me.

I slowly got up and sauntered sadly to the door.

I'm just gonna go home.


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