Creepy Pickpockets.

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"What?" Kai moaned. "We were going to get a new TV screen!"

"Ya!" I copied black eyed Kai. "We were going to get a new TV screen!"

Everyone glared at me. What? I was just trying to make my point!

"Okay," Cole coughed. "Kai, you and Zane and Lloyd go to town and buy the screen, and Jay and I will get everything ready."

I suddenly froze. "But we don't have any money?"

"Fear not!" Kai spoke, puffing up his chest. "I, Sir Kai, will defeat the evil beast and get the money for our most desire, a TV screen."

I scanned the room. The only evil beast I saw was Jay.

"Well actually," Zane started, "all I need is a-"

I slammed my fist over his mouth. "What you need," I declared, following Kai's lead, "is a new TV screen. Think of it! We can hook your friend birds thing to it andsee in full scale what he saw!"

"Wow!" Zane whistled in awe. "That would be nice." He looked thoughtful. "But we need money." His gaze flickered to Jay.

"That's why I'm here," Kai announced, raising his fist. "I will collect the money for my friends. And nothing will stand in my way!"

He walked into the couch.


And then he fell behind the couch.


And then he got stuck.


I wiped away a few tears away.

"Suuuure," I said sarcastically. "Nothing huh? Does that include a couch."

"Shush! My man servant." Kai finally made it out from behind the couch, with Coles help. I patted him down, wiping off the dust. His black eye made him look like a raccoon.

I glanced at my arm and remembered how hard I hit it. Ouch!

"Thank you, partner."

Okaaaay. Kai is still in a weird mood. Maybe that fall down the stairs did something to him. Or the couch.

Forget it! Kai is always weird.

"I will go! Fear not, citizens."
Okay, I am almost peeing from laughing inwardly. He is so weird! I bumped into Jay, who started getting a little jittery. "Sorry pal."

"Make way!" Kai charged.

And with that final word, he walked toward Jay, the victim. But he stopped, unsheathing his sword. Cole chuckled and leaned against the wall. "This'll be good," he announced. Zane looked a little concerned but didn't say anything.

Jay started stuttering, not really sure what was going on. "But, ha! Zanes right! We need money! So where are you going to get that, Sir Kai, because I know that you don't have a bank account and you don't really have a job, and you probably don't even have a wallet, much less money..."

I covered my ears. Someone's nervous. Especially since 'Sir Kai,' was walking toward him.

This will be great.

"Who says I have the money?" Kai asked Jay, walking suspiciously up to him. "YOURE the one who is going to supply the money, Jay."

"Me!?" Jay squeaked. "But-but I lost my money! My wallet! Gone!" He pats his pants, proving it.

"Lloyd," Kai turned to me. "Tell me where Jays money is." He sheathed his sword.

I smirked. "In my back pocket."

Don't under estimate me. I can pickpocket. I am not helpless. I am the Green Ninja.

Cole gasped. Zane raised his eyebrows. Jay looked like he would faint and hopefully he will fall backward down the stairs.

'Cuz that would be funny.

"Lloyd," Jay gasped, looking like he would cry. "How-how could you?" His voice cracks.


I wouldn't fall for that again.

"Well, I did."

Oh snap! Eat that, Zapbag. He frowned.
Kai laughed.

"Way to go, Lloydikins."

Oh, I wouldn't call me that.

"Kai," I said before he could celebrate. "I wouldn't celebrate."
He looked at me weird, his raccoon eye made him look even weirder. "Why?!"

I smirked and held out his wallet.

"I've got yours too"

"Hey!" Jay said surprised. "Kai does have a wallet!"

Oh snap. Eat that Hothead.


writers block. Head ache. Not feeling good. Hot days. Don't work together.
Sorry for a horrible chapter! I just couldn't focus. Especially since we are going on vacation for2 WEEKS tomorrow!
Which means no wifi. Which means no updates for 2 weeks :(. I am sorry.
But I will be bad, and check out my new book!
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