All because of Coles Eyebrows.

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So here's what I thought in the 0.2 seconds I had to think. I was stuck under Nya's chair, right? And nobody else knew I was there, right?


I used my ninja speed. I flew up, snatched the teddy bear back from Nya and replaced it with a speaker. Then, I jumped, literally, JUMPED across the room and slid into bed.

UNDER THE COVERS! Mine of course. My green ones.

My blanket went flying and gracefully laid gently on my.

I pretended I was asleep.

I still had my eyes open a crack.


I flinched as I saw Nya lying on the ground, chair in shatters.

Jay walked in. "NYA!"
He was seriously screaming. I tried deep breathing exercises when he looked toward me so it would appear I was sleeping and didn't do anything.

Amazingly, he fell for it!

Nya took a shaky breath. "J-Jay?"

Jay leaned over to pick her up, bridal style. It was actually cute, until Nya started crying.

I stared in shock. So did Jay.


"Sorry," she said after a few minutes. "I was startled awake."
She clung to Jay. He looked happy even though his beloved girlfriend was crying. Weird.

Kai walked in.

Oh boy!

Help! That was the look of Jays face.

Kai's gonna freak.

"What are you doing with my sister?" he freaked, looking from the shattered chair to 'sleeping peacefully' me to Jay and his red puffed eyed sister in Jay's arm.

I was right. He did.


"S-she fell!" Jay insisted. Nya nodded.

Kai checked them over, his eyebrows showing that he didn't fully trust them. "You okay, Nya?"

Nya nodded.

And my life was good again. I didn't hurt anyone. And jay was still alive.


Until I heard Cole scream. Well, not really scream. More like a SCREAM OF HORROR.

"Hey!" he SCREAMED WITH ALL HIS MIGHT.. The shout reminded me of the shout Kai did when I beat him at 2Fist3Face.

That was not pretty. Lets not go there.

Cole appeared in the door way. "Okay? WHO'S THE WISE GUY!" He bellowed.

"Shush!" Kai and Jay and Nya said at the same time.

Kai covered Jays mouth, who covered Nya's mouth, who reached over and covered her brothers. Then Kai slapped Jay for touching his sister. Nya slapped Kai for being mean and Jay was stuck in the middle, holding Nya. I mean, it was kindof funny. They were slapping each other and going 'shush' and 'stop' and 'quiet' all in whispers, not to wake an already awake ME!

It was funny until Cole came in. Anger was written all over his face. Instantly my teammates froze. Horror written on their faces.

I don't blame them. Cole is scary when he's mad.

I was going to enjoy this show.

"WHO GLUED MY EYEBROW GEL TO THE COUNTER IN THE BATHROOM?" He didn't bother whispering. He just screamed it. My poor ears. But still, I fake slept.

The others sort of backed of. They shook there heads. Jay was still holding Nya. I bet Kai hated that.

I'm cheering for Kai right now. Why does Jay get a girlfriend and nobody else does? I mean, beside Zane and Pixel. That's a long distance relationship.

Anyway, back to the present time.

I was the one who glued Coles eyebrow gel to the counter. I snickered inwardly.

It was payback for the time he made me put whip cream on Sensei's pillow. I had to clean DRAGON POOP FOR A MONTH!

I can't believe he finally noticed it was glued on the counter!

Kai and Jay shook there heads as Nya was let down from Jay.

"I'm-I'm just gonna go..." She never finished her sentence. She was gone.

Cole came toward the two remaining boys, growling. They slowly backed up.

"Who did it?" He raged.

Okay. Let me just say this.

Who ever did it, there grandchildren will feel Coles wrath.



"N-n-n-n-not me!" Jay stuttered. Kai was pressed against the wall.

Cole groaned. "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WASH MY BABIES?" He cooed and rubbed each one of his eyebrows. "There RUINED! RUINED!" He left the room crying.

Kai turned toward Jay, eyebrows raised. "Okaaaaaaaaaay," he said, dragging the 'ay' sound. "Lloyd is officially dead."

"Especially for snuggling with Coles teddy bear," Jay put in. They both looked at me. I tried my best to fake sleep. Have you ever done it before?


Then they left.

I shoved the dumb bear away from me.

How did they know it was me?
How did they know that I glued his eyebrow gel.

I need to think of new ideas.


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