Flour Power

463 28 18

Cole threw the cake in my face.

His cake!


but then I realized that it wasn't Cole who threw it.

It was Zane

I rubbed my eyes in amazement.

"Gotcha!" Zane smirked. I just stared. Then I realized his funny switch was on.

Cole should have a funny switch. He just stared at me in horror.

Get a life!

"Zane, but- Zane. ZANE!" The Nindroid backed up, away from the raging earth ninja. "ZANE!"

Get a life and say something different!

I searched through the glob of cake in my face, trying to see what's happening to Zane.

"Cole! Stop! It was a joke!"
There were crashes.

"Even LLOYDI-KINS jokes are better!!"

What did he just call me?

I flew into the battle in rage, grabbing a washcloth From the sink and wiping my face. Then I threw it, hitting Cole in the butt and leaving a big brown mark.


And then he came after me. I threw pepper at him but he dodged in and flung flour in my face.

"Victorious!" He cheered, before he was tackled by Zane, who was by the way, still in his pink apron. The flour bag tipped over, falling onto me and creating a storm.

I snorted out white, trying to breathe without getting lungs full of flour.

"You deserved it!" Cole screamed from the ground before Zane jumped on him again. "I will keep throwing cinnamon in your face until you die!"

I coughed more white and blew my nose into my arm.


I am never going to try and eat Coles food again. If he can't tell the difference between cinnamon and flour, that's sad.


The noise stopped my thinking and my wheezing. I stared around the white kitchen, wondering how the flour got on the roof and under the table.

It looked like Zane created a blizzard.... In the kitchen.

"MY APRON!" Zane howled. "RUINED!" He held up a tattered pink piece of fabric, covered in chocolate cake and flour.

I coughed, laughing at the sight.

Zane glared. "What are you laughing at, Mr. Flour face?"

"Your apron!" I wheezed. "Finally it broke!"

I froze.
Flour WHAT?

Zane smirked at me and I looks at Cole, who made a movement with his fingers, telling me to turn around.

I turned and I checked in the window, squinting to see my reflection.

I looked like a ghost!! Covered in white from head to toe. I turned back to Zane and Cole who were struggling on the ground. STILL.

ZANE ALMOST BLENDED IN WITH THE KITCHEN. and Cole looked like a piece of garbage, ruining the whole effect of the look.

Like he always does.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" A voice asked from behind. I gulped and fell backward, away from the intruder. Unfortunately, that meant falling onto Cole and his sore ribs.


A white cloud shot up around us and slowly fell like gently snow. Except that it was alot. So much, that we all started coughing and couldn't see the intruder.

Not that we needed too.

I would no that voice anywhere.

Only one person could make your brains shutter and at the same time heat your face.
If that's even possible.

He could make your hair stand on end and pin his enemies and you to the ground with one death glare.



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