Clap Your Eyelids!

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Funny story guys.....
I'm at work, but there's nothing to do so I decided to write my story! And I'm getting paid!
Thanks for reading and have a good laugh!!


We barricaded the doors.

With what you might ask?

With ourselves.

And a rug. Its a lot, trust me.

Okay. Maybe not. But it was Jays idea! Jay always thinks of dumb things like that. Once he thought that it he would kiss the doorknob, a scab on his knee would go away.

We had to get Zane to talk some sense into him eventually.


Zane fiddled with the doorknob. "It's seems to be stuck" he says calmly.

I was amazed. If that was me out there, the door would be in splinters and I would be screaming on the top of my lungs at it and pounding it with my fists. Then for good measure, I would kick it and start it on fire using three gallons of gas. After that, I would sprinkle the ashes over Ninjago City.


The door wouldn't stand a chance.

But nope. Zane is all calm.

It's called 'meditation'
Do it, guys.

Maybe I should practice what I preach.


So Jay and I looked at each other. What to do?

"Let me see," Kai said, his footsteps echoing on the inside of the bathroom.


Kai would use force. He used force in everything!

Even when on the package of his new cactus "talk carefully and don't use force," guess who was the one who started screaming and pounding his fist down on a cactus? -ow-?

It wasn't me. I'm not that dumb to hit a cactus. And Kai's cactus at that!

I would loose my head.

Kai had to get Nya to pull out his slivers and explain to Sensei Wu why he was late for training.

That was funny. I promise you that he was laughing under that long beard of his.

Anyway, Jay started to freak out and I did too.

Kai forced the door open, shredding the lock. Coles not going to be happy.

That was his favorite lock.

Time to buy and new one, Coley-boy.

I mean, who even picks a lock out and make it your favorite?

Jay and I held our breath, our eyes scanning the toothpaste covered room for an escape.

But there was none. Kai entered-

And slipped on some toothpaste on the floor. And fell. Behind him. Onto Zane.

Ever fall on metal? I'm not surprised he was knocked out.

Zane 'oofed' and then noticed Kai laying limply on the floor. Jay and I gasped, running to our friend who was unconscious before us.

"Come on Kai, wake up!" Jay cooed, slapping his cheek gently. "Open your eyes!! Let me see those hazels!"

Okaaaaay. Jay is spending waaaaay to much time watching romance movies with Nya.

Kai stirred and he started blinking.

"That's right!" Jay cheered. "Blinking is like clapping! Using your...." He paused "....eyelids!"

I'm just gonna walk away from this weirdo. But I didn't.

I scooted closer to Zane. !

Zane looked up from slapping Kai's face when the fire ninja went back into unconsciousness. "This doesn't seem to be affective."

Nooooo. That news.

"Well, why don't you dump a bucket of water on him?" I ask Zane. He shook his head.

"Kai needs me here."

Of course he does.

I turn to Jay and give a hopeful smile. "Hehe?"

"No way!" Jay crossed his arms. "Last time I did that I flooded the ice cream parlor and had the Fat Cake Boy on me."

Fat Cake Boy? Hehehe.

"I'm not doing it!" I told them.

"And why not?" Jay screamed.


"Because why?"

"Because because!"

"Because because why?" Jay howled.

I planted my feet. "I'm not getting the water."

Jay chucked the tooth brush in his back pocket at me and I dodged it, ending up falling next to Kai. And guess where the toothbrush goes?

Into Kai's hair.

An electric tooth brush. Into Kai's hair.

Every had something that spins end up in your hair, WHILE IT'S ON?

This isn't good. I think we'll need to cut it.


Alligator- sorry I didn't update this chapter right away... I was going to but we had our Christmas (yes we have Christmas in July) for 3 days and I misplaced my iPod.


Question -

Would you rather have Jays nunchucks or Coles Scythe?

I would choose the Scythe. It would be awesome to fight with and hang on your back.

I wanna know what you think!!!


Shout-out to Kat_In_The_Hat1234 for commenting and liking so many chapters!

Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora