Sneezing Could Be Damaging.

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I never thought an old mans beard could move as much as Sensei's when there not snoring. Turns out, they can move just as much when they're laughing.

I never thought Robots or Nindroids could have a laugh. And if they did, one robotic-ie, not a nice, cool sounding laugh that everyone could be jealous over.

Turns out, the best is wrong. Sadly. Unfortunately.

It won't happen again.

Zane and my 'UNCLE' were laughing at us.

And for some reason, it was funny. So I started to laugh.

And Jay started to laugh.

And Nya started to laugh.

And Kai started to laugh.

Man! Even COLEY-BOY started to laugh.


This was an I LAUGHING shop.

On the way out of the ice cream parlor, I knelt next to the owner who was hugging a teddy bear and sucking his thumb, calling for his mom.

I didn't know what was scary. I mean, we were Ninjagos five best Ninja and one best Sensei and one best Samurai, coming in to eat ice cream.

I guess Kai did melt all the ice cream in his rage. I guess Jay did flood the whole shop when Cole stopped breathing. I guess Cole did go overboard, getting ready to attack Jay. I guess Zane was a bit stubborn and I was a bit clumsy.

Maybe we did look weird piled in one booth and laughing like manics.

Now I don't blame the owner dude.

"Hey," I said, slapping him on the back. Not to hard though. I wouldn't want him to bite his thumb!! "Sorry 'bout the mess.... Maybe we went a little overboard." I handed him money for damage and left the...well... Damaged shop.

Maybe damaged beyond repair.

Laughing, me and my friends piled onto the Bounty. My day was going good.

Forget about the Poodle.

We made it inside and Sensei turned to us.

"Training!" Sensei smiled. We stopped in mid laugh.


"Sensei," Kai walked forward. "We trained this morning!"

"Ya!" Jay whined. "Lloyd almost blew up the ship!"

"Hey!" I defended myself. "Cole was the one who sneezed toward me!"

Sensei's face was turning red.

"Me!?" Cole shrieked in shock. "Kai's the one who moved and...."

"Hold it, Coley-boy," Kai held up his hands in defense. "I was practicing dodging Zane's throwing stars. But if you have to include me, I'd still be on the kids side."

I snickered. On my side, and he uses MY nickname.

I ignored Sensei's death glare. I was winning this argument!!

Haha. Me and Kai? We good.

"WHAT?" Cole glared at Zane. "Zane was the one who made me sneeze because he threw his throwing stars so close to me!!"

Okay. Sensei's face was now purple.

"And how would that make sneeze....?" Jay asked, turning toward Zane.

"I sneeze when I'm scared!" Cole defended.

"Funny, I've never noticed," I murmured. "I always see you cry for your beloved teddy bear."

Jay gave me the thumbs up. Kai smiled. "Good one, kid!"

Zane froze for a second, his eyes turning blue. We all looked at him.
I wondered what was going on in that mechanical brain of his.

"I scanned everything," he replied seriously. "There is no proven fact that people sneeze when they're scared."

"Told ya!" Jay triumphed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No PROVEN fact," Cole intercepted. "That means it could still be true."

Coley-boys got a point. Before I could say anything Sensei screamed.

"ENOUGH!!" His dark purple face exploded, turning his normal color afterwards. He was then as calm as ever.

Gulpidy gulpie gulp gulp.

Jay seemed to think so too.

"You are all going to train," Sensei told us, "and finish the course in the time I finish my tea."

We perked up. "Yes Sensei" we responded, casting happy looks around.

This would be easy.

Kai smirked. "Just like our first training!"

"But you will be doing it three legged."

Oh boy.


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