Kai's Hair and Electric Toothbrushes

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"Here's the plan," I told them, motioning them to come closer. We put our heads in.

"MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" I screamed, dashing around the corner. I'm not a chicken, but I don't want to be the one to cut Kai's hair.

Jay and Zane gave cries of unbeliefs and charged after me. I turned the corner and---


Into Cole. And his cake. I literally bounced off his stomach.

Somebody's put on weight. And it's not me.


Anyway, the others caught me and dragged me over Kai, thrusting a scissors in my hand.

I gulped at their deadly glares and Zanes finger, pointing to unconscious Kais head. "Guys, can't we discuss this man to man?"

"We tried to," Jay scoffed, "but someone tried to make a break for it." He eyed me suspiciously. "And it wasn't me."

I gulped again.

Zane approached. "Can't we wait until Kai has awoken?"

Jay and I stared in shock. "NO!" I blurted out. "Kai would most likely die of a heart attack if he saw his beloved hair like this."

I waved my hand over Kai's hair and showed the others the toothbrush, which had gathered clumps of Kai's hair in its clutches, making it a tangled and huge knot.

An knot that will see no tomarrow, for it is an untangled not.

Cole approached Kai cautiously, not knowing what to expect. He gasped as he saw the knot.

"Ohhhh," he chuckled evilly. "You guys are so dead."

It sounded like he was happy about it.

I gulped the third time.

With Jay and Zane's eyes blazing down on me, I took the first snip.

A clump of hair fell. Kai stirred.

It was like he could feel me cutting his hair.


"Get on with it!" Jay hissed. He was getting antsy, shifting from foot to foot.

"Why don't you do it?" I whispered back.

Jay stomped. "I wasn't the one to run from the 'cutting of the hair'" he said, as if it was a horror movie.

I gulped. He's right.

And I think something's wrong with my throat. I keep gulping.

I spoke. "I'm not the one who threw the toothbrush in his hair!"

"I didn't mean to!" Jay raged.

I took another snip and gulped. Kai's hair was now lopsided.

The last snip took all my strength. I really didn't want to cut Kai's hair. It was his pride and joy. I was happy that I didn't break the Golden Sword of Fire, because that would be worse.

It was a very shaky snip. Trust me when I say, I am no barber.

A brown lock fell to the ground.

And everyone sighed. The worst was over.

And then we looked into two chocolate brown eyes.

Uh oh.


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I have to ask you all a favor. Can you comment on the first chapter of this book? It isn't my best, so most people read it and think "this book is dumb" without trying it. So if u comment, they should keep reading.




Saving his friends?-(Zane)

Saving his girlfriend-(Jay)

Saving his dad-(Cole)

Saving Lloyd-(Kai)

I personally think Coles is my fav because of the awesome dancing, but Kai's was cool to because he had to choose between one of his worst friendenemy, or the dagger.

What about u and why?



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