Me so Sweet. Want Subtitles?

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So I'm stuck in bed.

AGAIN. Because of the dumb puddle and hair dryer.

I'm still blaming Jay even though he claims it wasn't his fault. He said that I attacked him first.

Pssh. In his dreams!

I wish he didn't break my camera. I had the funniest picture of him wearing a shower cap and in one hand a scrub brush and the other a rubber ducky. AND he had a surprise look on his face.

I would have one prizes with it!

But once again folks, IT'S PRANK TIME!

And I know the perfect prank to play. Nya has the door guarded by Zane so I can't go out, BUT SHE FORGOT TO TAKE MY LAPTOP OUT!



I grab my laptop which is under my bed and careful put it on my lap, ready to hide it if someone comes in. I mean, I have too.

Sensei Wu and Nya are so strict about the green ninja getting his rest!

Anyway, I punch my password in. GR33N N1NJA, careful not to let Kai, who's above me, see it.

It's the secretest password in the world.

I bunk in the bottom and Kai bunks in the top.

He was online right now, watching a movie. It was REALLY annoying because all I could hear were little voices coming from his headphones.

Yes. Kai listens to his music LOUD.

I log onto my account, and guess go else is online? KAI!


Time to hack.

I got onto Kai's profile. I actually didn't hack. I knew his password before, since I looked in the reflection of the window when he typed it in.

Just don't tell him that. It's H0TH3AD in case you wanted to know.

Seriously. He is so obsessed with fire!

Anyway, I logged onto his account, and hit the language button!

He was watching a movie when I switched it to French.

Instantly, his movie started speaking French!

"Le petit chien!" One girl on his movie said. "C'est fantastique! Brun et Blanc.... J'adore!"

(For people who don't know French, the girl said "the little dog! Fantastic! Brown and white... I love it!")

Kai instantly swooped down toward me, who had managed to shove my laptop under the covers and was silently reading.


"What in the world?" he muttered, shaking his head.

I smirked.

Ya hothead.

Gotta be quicker than that to catch the pro GREEN NINJA!

I slowly and quietly opened my laptop. I clicked the word Chinese. Then Turkish. Then Russian

I could hear the little voices talking. Kai was banging on his laptop.


I nicely changed the movie back to English, when I realized that I could CHANGE his movie.

This was going to be fun.

I clicked on a stupid ad.

"Make a tan. A nice deep tan. Use something other than to lay on the sand! Go to Stan the Tan Man! For ten bucks a day, your tan comes to staaaaaay!!" An ad sung. Kai freaked.


She ran in, face full of worry. "What Kai?"

Then she saw me with my laptop. I couldn't hide it quick enough.

Oh boy.

Help me.

"Before you say anything," she started holding up her hand, "I suggest you talk to Lloyd." Then she left, leaving me with -GULP- Kai!

He leaned over the side, his hair spikier than usual since he was upside down.

I smiled my cutest most innocent smile I could. I also made a little "hey/huh" sound as cute as I could manage. I. I REPEAT I Thought it was cute.

He didn't go for it.

Especially when he saw my computer.

I heard a creak as he started to move.

I flew into the closet and locked the door behind me.

"LLLOOOYDD!" he bellowed! "LET ME IN!"

"Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin." I answered back.

Why do I always get stuck in these situations?

Wait. Don't answer that.


Hey guys, please leave comments so I can know what you think of this. Any questions or any pranks you would like Lloyd to play, just tell me! Please like, follow, and comment!

Don't be shy!


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