The Mysterious Laughing Doorman.

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So. Apologizing.

You wouldn't think it's that hard, would you? Three words.
I. Am. Sorry.

Super easy. See? I just did it! Maybe it's just easy for me because I was THE BEST.

NOBODY could beat that.

Well to Cole and Jay, apologizing was the hardest thing in the world.

They seriously sat there, glaring at each other. The only thing that moved was Coles eye. It kept twitching

Blink, Coley-boy.

I sighed and sat next to Zane who was giving them a furious look.

So not emotionless.

Kai had his arm over his sisters shoulders and sat in the ice cream parlor's booth, licking the remains of the Carmel ice cream.

"Why don't you to say it at the same time?" Nya suggested helpfully.

"How 'bout not?" Cole responded steam coming out of his ears.

Cool down!! This is an ice cream shop! You don't want to melt all the ice cream!!

Oh. I forgot. Kai practically did already.

I shook my head. "Any ideas, Zane or Kai?"

"Not a clue kid," Kai told me. Zane shook his head. I practically could see the gears turning in the Nindroids head.

I sighed. I cracked my knuckles and stepped forward toward the two boys.
"Lets do this."

The faces they gave me-AHAHA- I wish I had a camera.

"What-what are you doing?" Jay gulped.

"I'm gonna get an apology out of you," I told him. Coles eyes were as large as saucers. He kind of looked like he saw a cake. A muddy filled-with-worms cake.

That's right Coley-boy. No more mister nice guy.

I made a huge green swirling ball of fire and got ready to throw it. Jay was quaking in his boots.


"I'm sorry Cole for dumping that water on you"
"I'm sorry Jay for getting way to mad at you" they both blurted out at the same time.

I smiled.

Easy peesy.

So I stopped the fire, dusted off my hands, and headed toward the door.



I don't know why it was such a big deal to walk to the door, but it just is. Maybe it's because the door swung open.

Swung open right as I was in front of it.


Nobody likes traffic or sit-ups.

I don't like doors.

I fell backward, landing on the booth that Nya and Kai were in.

"GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" Jay screamed.

I wasn't on Nya.

I was on Kai. And I was suffocating him.

Unfortunately, Jay and Cole thought this was the time to jump on us.

Jay was trying to protect his girlfriend and Cole was trying to help Kai out.

Soon we were all a bundle of arms and legs inside a tiny little booth.

"Get your hand out of my ear!" Jay squeaked to Cole.

"My wrist doesn't bend that way!" Cole yelled at Jay.

"Help!?" Kai gasped out.

"GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF MY NOSE!" I screamed at Jay, who was now on top of me.

This was bad. We were stuck.

"EVERYONE STOP SQUIRMING!!" Kai screamed. More like hoarsely squeaked.

He was trying to scream, ill give him that.

Ouch. My ear.

We all froze and we could hear little giggles.

Or was it laughter?


Someone was laughing at us? At Coley-boy? At Zapbag? At hothead? At Miss. Samurai?


We looked over and our jaws dropped.

No way!



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