Dont Insult Chocolate Chip Breath

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All the pranks were unpranked.

All of them were noticed.


I shivered in my blanket.

Everyone noticed the pranks.

Shiver shiver goes me.

Tick tick goes the clock. Closer and closer.

I wrap the blanket tighter and tighter.

"I can feel your fear!" The voice boomed and I felt the floor shake.


If I don't look, I will be invisible.

And maybe he won't see me.

Tick tock goes the clock. Seconds to the worst time in my life.

Jay pranking. It all started with that! Him and the boys were planning revenge when BAM! The alarm goes on. And Nya freaks. Kai totally jumped into Coles arms, and they both fell under the table, on top of Zane who was already under there. Jay rushed to Nya and put his arm around her.

Obviously grabbing the chance, since her bro is distracted, trying to get Zane's elbow out of his ear and Coles leg around his foot.

I just stood there. Brave. Noble. Honorable. Brave. Wait, did I say that twice?

Okay, maybe I hid behind Sensei, but with his beard, nobody'll see me in there!!

It was the alarm that and evil beasty was on the ship.

I don't know what beasty. Just a beasty

And that's why I'm wrapped in this pink fuzzy blanket. I don't care if it is Nya's! It makes me feel safe.
And all the other ninja vanished.

"I can hear you shiver!" The deep voice sang, teasing me.

Tighter and tighter. Maybe if I pull tighter I will become something different. After all, that's how caterpillars do it.

Maybe I could become all powerful!

Wait. I'm the green ninja already!

I am stupid. What am I doing wrapped in a blanket?

I stood up. I can defeat this..this...thing!!

A bump is heard from the hallway and I hear Kai's frightened voice.
"Help! Someone help me!"

"ROAR!" Is what I hear. There were a few bangs and then I heard Kai moan.

"You got me! Ive had it! This is the end!"

And then coughing. And then silence. And then laughter. Evil laughter.

"Lloooooyd!" Footsteps echoed outside the door.

Help me.

I'm innocent.

I think....

I dive into the blankets again.

I am a coward. That THING just ATE my FRIEND!

Can you blame me?

A shadow appears in the door and I flinch. Chocolate chip breath blows around the room.

Another clomp sounded as the shape came forward, it's shadow touching my- well- backside!

"Heh heh heh"

I gulped.

"Any last words?" The shadow asked.

I nodded, making the shadow cock his head.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you!"

"Well, come on ninja! I wanna know!"

"Nope!" I turned my head away. What makes him think he can hear my last word!?

"I wanna!" He stomped his foot angrily, shaking the flower pot that Cole placed back on the now upright table.

I sighed. "If you must."

"Ya ya ya!"

This was not how I pictures this shadow monster. He started waving his hands around and excitedly pranced the floor.


He looked like a dog. Well, excited as one.

"Tell me tell me tell me!" He begged jumping up and down.

"Toothpaste" I say.



"Why toothpaste?" The beasty asks.

"Because." I say. "Your breath stinks!"

Maybe that wasn't the best thing to say.

Especially to an evil beast.

I should choose better last words.

But noooooo. I have to insult the beast.

Mental slap. In the face. With a brick. A fire hot brick.

And then I wake up.

It was all a dream! I relaxed, listening to the snores of my teammates. Well, Coles snores. Zane sleep talks. Kai doesn't snore or sleep talk.

He snuggles his blanket. And sometimes sucks his thumb.

All a dream. Kai was still there and not eaten.

All a dream.

Or was it?

"So I need toothpaste?" A low voice asked me and a shadow fell over my face.



Okay guys! This is a really random chapter, but it will make sense soon! Bare with me.....
Who knows someone with chocolate chip breath?
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