Baby Scrapbook.

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So a few days have passed since the 'eyebrow' accident. I was nicely sitting there playing Minecraft with Cole, when BAM!



"JAY!" I holler. Usually when the power goes out, it's from him. Cole is steaming.

Jay and his dumb experiments.

Turns out it wasn't him. It was his parents! They decided to surprise us with a visit.

Surprise us alright! They 'accidentally' ran into out power source.

How can anyone do that accidentally?

Jays parents managed too.

We ran to the top deck to greet them. Tell them that their welcome..... OR TELL THEM TO RUN FOR THIER LIVES BECAUSE THE GREEN NINJAS GAME DIDN'T SAVE!

"Jay!" His mom shrieked, giving him a nuggie as they climbed onto the Bounty.

"Mom, heh heh heh...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Jay screamed at them. I think he's still embarrassed about the last time. They told us that he kissed his pillow.....

"We came to see your darling girlfriend, son," his dad said, his accent voice acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Apparently it wasn't. Jay was not expecting that. Nor was Nya.

"Me?" She squeaked.

"Yes, dear," Jays mom said. "We want to tell you a few things about Jay."

"We brought his baby pictures!" his dad informed us, waving a scrapbook above our heads.

Zane and Cole exchanges glanced. Me and Kai hung on each other and tried not to laugh. Even Sensei Wu thought it was funny and his beard shivering with laughter. Maybe my uncle wasn't such a strange, strict guy.

Jay hung his head in shame and Nya tried to smile.

Kai and I glanced at each other, eyebrows raised. We burst out in silent laughter.

This is gonna be good.
I forgive them for knocking the power out.

I want to see Jay as a baby!


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