A Cookies'n'Creamed, Cole

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Kai opened his hand and revealed, A MINT??!

He gagged and tried to throw the mint onto the ground.

Turns out, it was a sucked on mint.

Green and slimy.

Kai screamed and threw it to the ground screaming "GET IT OFF! EWW GET IT OFF ME!"

I just laughed. I mean, it was funny. Who gives a sucked on mint as a reward?

Kai gave me a death glare and I gulped. "Better watch your back, kid," he threatened. "It might not be there next time you look!"

I gulped and slowly turned.

Phew. My back was still there!

I looked back at the ninja of fire who was storming into an ice cream shop.
He looked so hot and boiling that I wondered if all the ice cream would melt before we got there.

I was debating whether to follow or leave him in there, but Cole dragged me inside. Cole obviously wanted the food.

Never follow a angry fire ninja into an ice cream shop.

Or any shop for that matter.

Luckily, Cole entered first. All I saw was Nya and Jay giggling and sharing a sundae and then-

SPLAT!! A little bit of cookies'n'cream splattered on the wall behind us.

That was a near miss.

For me.

Coley-boy over here wasn't as lucky. Right in the face. A glob dropped down and landed on his shoe.

I dodged a spoonful of chocolate ice cream and a cup of raspberry cheesecake. When peach came flying over, I jumped up and caught it my mouth, just to make Hothead more mad.

Boy, was he ever. Customers gasped and watched the ice cream fly in awe while Nya and Jay and Zane stuffed their faces full of ice cream, enjoying their show.

I ducked as three cones came flying at me.

Two crunched the wall behind me and I whistled. Close miss.

Customers started laughing during all the gasps. I checked myself over, making sure I wasn't hit.

I looked up to see the fire ninjas eyes glowing with - MAD- no wait? HUMOR??

I looked from Kai to Cole to- COLE??

He looked like a bird with black and white spots. A cone sat in the center of his face, like a beak.

I started laughing. I mean rolling on the floor laughing, even though the floor was dirty. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I managed one more look at Cole.

That did it. It started melting and you could just see one of his closed eyes.

I bawled. I seriously lost it. Jay slapped me on the back a few times when Zane wiped his tears off. Nya was giggling uncontrollably and Kai was leaning against the counter, making his hair move with laughter. I was happy he wasn't drinking or water would have came out of his nose. I was gasping for more breath to keep laughing.

Cole just stood there! Like a dummy! And ice cream covered one!!

"Hahahahha!" I laughed. "HAHAHA!"

I took a step toward Cole and slipped.

On a piece of Mango. I never did like mango ice cream.

I fell into Cole and we both went sliding over the ground, stopping in the middle of the shop.

"Ouch!!" I moaned. It was really funny though and I couldn't get off Cole because I was laughing so hard and out of breath.

"STOP!!" Jay screamed, causing us all to flinch. Man that Zapbag really had to lower his voice sometimes. "COLES NOT BREATHING!!"

I gasped and got up quickly. Zane and Kai came running over while Jay went to grab some water. I don't know why Jay went to grab some water.... He just did.

"What's wrong with him, Zane?" Kai asked, concern written on his face.

"It appears that Cole is not breathing," the ice ninja replied. I rolled my eyes. OBVIOUSLY.

"I know that!" Kai screamed. Ouch. My ears again. "WHY ISN'T HE BREATHING??!!"

Zane inspected Cole and then took a breath to answer us.

I couldn't believe it.


A special thank-you to AshlynRoos for the idea of Kai's reward.

Very original and very funny.

So I have a question for you guys.
Choose which words you like best and comment on them and I will use the winning word(s) for the next chapter.

1) Full mouth.

2) Brain Freeze.

No CPR sorry!! Didn't want to write about that.
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