The New Alarm Clock.

452 36 12

Was the first thing that woke me up that morning. Usually it's the alarm clock.

Turns out Jay doesn't know the difference between a scream and a ringing clock.

The alarm clock was hurled across the room by Jay as usual, and I took it out with the Green Ninja style, like I always do.

Clock number two hundred and forty-six.

"Ahhhhh!" Anther scream echoed my ears. A Nindroids scream.

Then a Hotheads scream.

Then I was snatched from my bed and pinned to the ground.

"Kai!" I strangled out from his strangle hold. "Can't breathe"

"LOOK AT ME!" Kai freaked. "A MUMMY!" Toilet paper fell from his arms onto my leg.

Obviously he didn't see his face yet.

I started laughing. "Heh heh heh"

His mustache moved and he frowned, making the mustache look Ike it was melting.

Cole moaned. "Helllllp!" A creaking sound came from his bunk and we al looked over to him.

There was Cole. Pinned on his bed. With a table on top.

I thought he looked good.

And the flower. The tipping flower. It fell in his face as he wiggled the table and the bed.

"DIRT IN MY EYES!" He screamed. "GET IT OUT!"

Zane ran over to help the Earth Ninja, leaving clumps of whipping cream on the floor.

I'm not mopping.

"Uhh, if your the Earth Ninja, why does a little bit of dirt bother you?" Jay asked. He dangled his feet off the edge of his bunk.

Cole glared. More like the Glaring Ninja.

"Why didn't Jay get pranked?" Zane asked, turning to me and his blue eyes piercing through me.

"Uhhhh" I gulped.

Jay scanned himself over. "Nothing unusual!" He declared. He jumped down and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth.


Zane and Cole looked accusingly at me.

Kai ran from the bathroom. "WHAT IS THIS?" Kai asked, pointing to my doodle on his face.

"Your face!?" Cole suggested helpfully.

"No!" Kai raged. "I don't have glasses on my face! I DONT HAVE A MUSTACHE."

Zane, covered in whipping cream and dropping some each step, started laughing.

"Not funny, CARDBOARD HEAD!" Kai told him.

Zane felt his hair. "What?" His fingers trailed the long hair that went straight off his head each side.
He streaked to the bathroom.

I don't know robots could move that fast.

Cole managed to get the table off him. "Lloyd" he gasped. "You. Are. So. Dead!"

"AHHHH!" Came the scream from the bathroom.

What now?

Zane tore past the others and plowed me into a wall. His cardboard hair flapping in the breeze like a bird getting ready for take off.


Cole gasped. "My ribs!"

Kai was wiping his face with a wet towel, scrubbing away.

Jay came waltzing in before the other ninja could make me pay.

"Hello, pals! I obviously got on Lloydy-kins good side which is why," he struck a pose. "I never got pranked!!!"

He left the room whistling.

Cole, Zane, and Kai still with a mustache, looked at me.

"What did you do?"

I swallowed and did an evil laugh. Hothead and Coley-boy exchanged glances and Zane watched me suspiciously. I rubbed my hands together in glee.

Just wait till Jay sees his nails. And see the "permanent" sign on the bottle.

That right. Not even nail polish remover can take off the pretty white flowers.

Heh heh heh.


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