Screaming Lessons.

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Sighing, I scrubbed the next dish.

Swirl around. Rinse. Dry. Put away.

This is the order that I wash dishes in.

Since Jay was now taking ANOTHER shower and buying anti-itching cream for his itches, he couldn't do his job. And Nya, who was supposed to help me, she decided that she couldn't since she HAD to help Jay.

Psssh. Ya right.

Kai, Zane, and Cole were off in lala land, saving good people from Evil Serpentine or something.

Like THAT'S important.

So it's me doing dishes, Nurse Nya, and her patient, itching Jay.

I finally finished my chore and I sat on the couch. Bored.

Time to practice my screaming methods.

"AHHHHH!" I scream, running around the couch in the Game Room.

I stop. To normal!

I try another approach.

"AHHHH!" I scream, falling to the floor and acting like I'm injured. "Oh the pain!" I gasp.

Nope. The Green Ninja will never get injured!

Third try. Member, threes a charm!

I think that's how the saying goes.

"AHHHH!" I scream, pulling my hair. "It's everywhere! It's gonna get the green ninja!" I made a face of terror and ran around the room.

I froze and stood tall.

"Hold on, innocent people of this world, I, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, the Green Ninja, will save you!" I command in a deep voice. I puff my chest up.

"Trying to take the glory?" A low male voice asked. I whirled around and saw Cole, leaning against the wall. The wind from the window messed up his hair.

"Uhh..." I stumbled. I fell backward, hitting my head on the television.

It shattered. And fell. ON MY ARM.

"OWWWW!" I cry in pain. Tears fell from my eyes.

Kai ran in, waving his arms and flying toward me, past the still statued Cole, who now had a smirk on his frozen face.

I held my arms, well, arm, out to Kai. At least someone cares!

I should have seen it coming.

He ran past me and hugged the broken TV.

"DON'T DIE BABY!" he moaned, rocking the TV back and forth. I stared in shock.

A sharp jab of pain brought me away from the scene that was taking place beside me.

"Zane! " I hissed as he lifted my broken arm.

He showed a sad face. HE WASN'T EMOTIONLESS!

Lets not get into this conversation again.

My eyes started to get drowsy and I tried to ignore Zane, who was moving my throbbing arm.

Everything was going black.

Coles face appeared in my vision, worry clouding his smirk now.

"Zane....didn't know....serious."

Zane's warbled voice came into my swimming hearing.


I forced myself up. "Noo...." I slurred. "Don't like hospitals."

"Lloyd," Kai came over, away from his broken TV. "You need to go. Your arm is probably broken." My eyelids were drooping.

"Uh uh." I said, fighting tiredness. "Green Ninja don't get hurt."

"Doesn't," Zane corrected. "And you ARE hurt and ARE going to the hospital."

"NOO!" I started crying, clinging to Cole. "The pretty ladies always carry needles there!"

Cole awkwardly pats my back. "Lloyd..." he said in a warning tone.

Kai whispered a few things to his teammates and then picked me up carefully.

I seriously must be super light.

Anyway, I tried to struggle. I punched Kai in the chest. Multiple times.

Instead of him staggering in pain, he laughed, rumbling.

"I can tell that your hurt, Lloyd," he laughed. "That punch was more like a pat."

I went crazy, throwing my arms and legs and trying to get off Kai.

How DARE he say that to me!

Unfortunatly, getting off meant that my arm hit his face.

"Ow!" I cry. He drops me as well.

"LLOYD!" he demands. "What was that for?" He holds his eye in pain.

It's gonna be black.

I can't respond. He dropped me on my arm. "Green Ninja. Isn't Weak," I mumbled out.

"If you're fine," Zane said, "walk to the hospital from here."

I tried to stand. I could do this!

Nope. My legs wobbled.

"I don't wanna go to the hospital," I moaned, using my excuse.

Actually, I did now. My arm was hurting so bad!
I just couldn't get up.

But they didn't need to know that.

And then I felt myself being picked up again.

This time, it was Cole.

"Noooo," I moaned. "Don't wanna."

I couldn't do anything. I was helpless.

Hospital, here I come.



Sorry this chapter was short and boring, but I had writers block and my iPod almost is dead. But I promised you a chapter and here it is.



No question for today :(


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