Hot tub bites.

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"Ahhhhh," I moan as I slid my aching body which Jay landed on into the hot tub. The bubbles rise up as the jets blast me.

"This is the life," I say to myself.

Something tickles my toes. Something is in the hot tub with me. Once again, I do my deep breathing exercises so I don't scream. I think of the worst thing that could be in there with me.

Kai's sword. That probably is the worst. NO, it wouldn't hurt me, KAI WOULD HURT ME!!

But my nightmares stop.

Out pops Cole.

"AHHH!" I screamed, splashing water onto him.

"AHHH!" he screams back. Water goes up my nose and I snort, spraying Cole. I hope he likes water with a hint of booger.

"Why do you always pop up out of nowhere?" I sputter at Cole.

"Why are you always where I pop up?" he asked me. He was twisting my sentences.

Okay. I was getting nowhere.

I emptied the air bubbles out of my green swim shorts. Everything I have...IS GREEN!

Me likey.

I stretched across the hot tub, wiggling my toes in front of Cole. I purposely made them hit his nose.


I laughed. Someone was a baby. And that someone was a Coley-boy.

He stormed off, water dripping behind him. But not before spraying me. Or before me dunking him.

I leaned my head on the back of the hot tub. It was good to RELAX. I wondered why Cole was in the hot tub.

Usually all Coley-boy is doing is taking care of his precious eyebrows or stuffing his mouth with cake.

And thats when something bit my toe, distracting me from my thoughts.

"OUCH!!!!!" I screamed, jumping out of the water and landing back in the hot tub with a SPLASH.

Something bit my arm, then my leg, then my... Okay... WHO PUT SOMETHING IN THE HOTTUB??

"COLE!" I screamed, raging. He ruined my perfect hot tub sit!!

When nobody answered me, I took drastic actions.

I drain the hottub water and look into the bottom. There, flapping around in the bottom, were eels.

Slimy, disgusting, wet eels.

I. Hate. The. Cake. Eater.

Green Ninja, O-U-T!

hey guys! Just letting you know that I need Ideas, pranks, jokes, and COMMENTS! + I REALLY WANT VOTES. I HAVE more than 400 reads, but that doesn't really matter when you don't have votes!!!! Thanks for reading.... sorry this chapter was so short! ALLIGATOR


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