No Screws! New Screens!

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So. I made it home. Alive. I dodge all the ladies with the needles, but somehow they managed to put a hard cast on my arm that I'm not allowed to get wet.

Plus, I need to leave it on for like 3 weeks!

Pssh. Like that's gonna happen!
I guess they can dream...

Anyway, now I was sitting on a chair, watching the Ninja were fixing the Bounty's TV screen. Well, more like Jay. Fixing the TV screen.

The one that Kai thinks I broke.

Why would I break the TV screen? He loves it.....wait! I should have broken it sooner.

Whatever. I didn't break it, so don't listen to what Kai says.

So now, the TV didn't ACTUALLY shatter. That was a flower pot next to the screen.

Nope, the screens just bent. And Kai claims it's my fault.
Sorry, we went over that already and I AM NOT GUILTY.

I watch as Kai kicks a metal heap, lying in the middle of the room. "What a piece of junk!" He kicks a screw and it scatters across the floor.

I wish I was Zane. He's shopping for food. I could be getting candy, instead of watching Jay do whatever he's doing.

Cole watched with a bored expression. I don't blame him. This WAS boring.

"Lets take a break, for cake!"

I smirk. I don't think Coley-boy noticed, but it rhymed, what he said.

He's not that smart to notice.

"Guys, all we need to fix it is a thingamaronortion and a screw. Be patient!"

I watched, chuckling to myself as Kai threw the screw out that window, right as Jay said that he needed the screw. He cringes as everyone looks at him.


Ya. Oopsie is right. We could have been done already!

"NOW YOU DID IT KAI!" I scream. "All Jay needed was that lame screw!"

Kai turned away and placed his arms over his chest and huffed. "Well, I am NOT face diving out that window!"

I look at Jay. Jay looks at Cole. Cole looks at me.

Lets do it.

"Oh yes you are!" Cole chuckles in a evil laugh. He pick up Kai and throws him out the window without another thought.

Oh boy.

"He could get hurt," Jay says nervously.

I shrugged. "Who cares?"

Suddenly we hear a scream. "HELP!" And crashing noises followed. Kai fell onto the Bounty deck.

Lucky for him. If I had thrown him out, I would have made sure he cleared the deck.

Jay, being Jay, didnt seem to notice. He just turned back to his work. "Kai! I need that screw!"

I didn't feel like telling Jay that Kai could be almost dead.

We heard the pitter patter of Kai's feet coming up the stairs.

Well, we didn't know it was Kai's feet. Cole punched him down the stairs before we could really notice it was Kai.

By the time we did, it was too late.

Kai was back down the stairs.

"KAI!" Jay bellowed.

"Uhh..." Kai stuttered. "I would give it to you but..." He held up a bent screw and winced. "I kinda landed on it."

Me and Cole fell over each other, laughing our heads off.

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