Dont Mess With The Best

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"Lloyd, I dare you to start a conversation with that girl," Jay told me.

Yes, we were bored. There was no good stores in this mall!!

Nya tried on bathing suits for a while but it got boring fast.

There's always Jay..... He seemed to like it.

But he's Jay.

Nothing special.

Unlike me. I am the best.

So anyway, now we are playing dares.

"Sure!" I said, heading toward a hot redhead. This will be super easy.

Nobody can resist the hottest ninja around.
(That's me not Kai)

I am the best.

"Hey gorgeous," I winked. "Sup?" I leaned on the counter, trying to look impressive.

"Hey ugly," she told me. I smiled and leaned forward. I knew she was faking. After all, I am the best. "GET LOST."

Slap in the face. SMACK.

Okay, she wasn't faking.


I stormed back to Jay and Kai who were laughing there heads off. What buddies I have.

What friends!!

"You think that's funny?" I asked. Kai nodded, laughing a big belly laugh.

He's gonna get it for laughing at the best.

"THIS is funny!" I shoved Kai. Instead of him falling onto the floor as I expected, he hits an old man walking. He falls over, grapes and oranges rolling around his feet.

"These youngsters now adays," he murmured. "So impolite."

"I'm sorry sir," Kai started. He never got to finish.

As he bent down to help the man pick up his food, the old man took his cane and started beeting him over the head.

"Leave. My. Stuff. Alone!" He screamed. "Pick on someone your own age!!

Jay and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"You two are next!" The man warned. We instantly stopped laughing. Kai was moaning about his hair and how he wished he could have used his baby on the old man.

Pssh. Ya. Right. In your dreams!

I was actually kind of scared of the grandpa as he approached us.

So was Jay, apparently. He took a step back.

Except there was no step.

There was a little ledge.

A ledge to keep the water from the fountain in.

Jay obviously didn't see it.


I start laughing and so does Kai. Even the old man laughs, making a weird sound like a chicken hiccuping.

I've never heard a chicken hiccup. I'm thinking it would sound like his laugh though.

Jay turns red with anger and steam comes out of his ears.

Literally. It's scary. Even the best is scared.

He reaches and grabs my shirt, dragging me in with him. I start screaming but it's too late.


......and the security guard walks over.

Oh. Boy.

He's gonna mess with the best.


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