Happy Birthday! I thinky.

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You may be surprised at how much I think.  I actually do. I AM VERY thinky.

Nobody's more thinky than the Green Ninja.

I chose out the best TV screen. Thank you Jay for the money.

I used a wallet for holding the money in.

Thanks Kai, for the wallet.

I even bought Coles birthday present!

Thanks Zane, for the reminder.

Oh, and thanks Cole for making it your birthday today.

I got to use half your birthday money on a slushy. I love watermelon lime. It's green!

Mhmmm. Finger licking good. Well, in this case, lips licking good.

So now I was sitting, watching Fist2Face3 with Kai and Zane, who were playing it, waiting for the right moment to surprise Cole with my awesome and unique present. Jay was distracting Cole.

Coles gonna love it.

I just need to wrap it yet. Can't forget to wrap it!

This dumb cast gets in the way. I shake my dumb arm. See!? No pain!

Silly pretty ladies with needles.

I whacked my arm on the couch.

See...*gasp gasp*....no....*hiss*....pain.

I hold my now throbbing arm and listen to the sounds of the clicking controls, the ticking of the timer on Coles cake, and the normal sound of Kai, throwing a fit.

"No. NO, ZANE! I'm on your team. You're not supposed to hit me....AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Stop. STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW...That sword is mine only. MINE ONLY. OUCH! Don't hit that Zane. ZANE, THATS MINE! Okay, let me just...WHAT? WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT. I TOLD YOU NOT TO ...AHHH! No! STOP...AHH! DONT TOUCH THAT BUTTON. STOP ZANE! No...DONT DO IT!..." The game made a bloop sound and the words 'Game-over' flashed on the screen.

"NOOOOO!" Kai hollered, dropping to his knees, practically tearing out his hair. "I was 500 hundred points...500 POINTS FROM BEATING THE RECORD!"

My wide eyes watched Kai, throwing himself down again in front of our new, 75 inch screen.

My wide eyes meet Zanes wide eyes.

We were both wide eyed together.

"Did I do something wrong?" Zane asked in innocence, ignoring Kai, who was now crying uncontrollably over his controller. "All I did was hit the person that I thought was a threat to my own character.

Haha. That mean Kai looked scary.

I glanced at the Hothead, who was tear stained and huddled in a corner. Right now he looks like a fluffy teddy bear. A crying fluffy teddy bear that has its stuffing coming out and popping at the seams, with the button eyes popping off.

"Well," I said carefully, not wanting to hurt Zanes feelings, "Kai was the characters you were hitting. You're supposed to defeat the evil skeletons and the Serpentine. And the button you hit? That button was the bad guys button, and it destroyed your world. You were supposed to stop the bad guy from hitting the button, not hit it yourself."

"Oh!" Zane acknowledged. "Now I get it. " he picks up the remote. "May we start again?"

Haha ya. Now he gets it. Now, after Kai lost it. 

"Can I do the last five minutes of my life?" Kai moaned. "It's not fair!"

"It's not possible to redo your minutes of your life Kai," Zane stated.

"Uh, dude? It's a saying."

Zane opened his mouth and closed it. Opened it again and closed it once more. "I see."

Kai obviously 'didn't see.' He was still being a teddy bear. With a black eye.

Cole walked in, followed by a nervous Jay. I sent him brain messages. Jay, not Cole.

Why are you here?!
You were supposed to stall him!
The cake isn't done!!

I gasped.

But Jay, being Jay, didn't seem to notice. He just nervously bit his fingers as he glanced between shocked me, crying Kai, and still half-confused Zane.

Man, we must look like a happy bunch. Cole sauntered over to take a better look at the red and black eyed Kai.

Bing! The oven went off. We froze. I thought quickly.

"Uh, that's the...uh...the TV!" I suggested in a weak voice.

What? I just didn't have any other ideas!

Kai instantly went into action, forgetting the tears he was just crying.

"Ya! It's a new game that I just got called Fist2Face3!"

I slapped myself. Zane looked a little concerned, but once again didn't say anything.

"Ya right, Raccoon Eyes," Cole smirked. "We've had that game forEVER. I know it's not that."

I shivered and Jay whimpered.

Kai looked mad that we still noticed his black eye, but I mean, how couldn't you? To tell you the truth, I was kind of happy that I left a mark. I mean, I'm proud of it!

But I'm not proud of this cast.

Cole sniffed. "Do I smell...cake?"

Jay jumped our leader, knocking him down and into the tear stained Kai. I laughed, watching them tumble.

"It's chocolate cake, Coley-boy." I muttered. Zane sent me a death glare.

"That is only my oil, Cole. I had just gotten it changed."

Cole looked amazed, ignoring Kai's yells of protests and Jays elbow in his ear. "Your oil smells like cake!?" He looked at Zane.

"Yes. I had gotten the smell because I knew you would like it. Usually I got 'mint' or 'frozen ice.' But since it's your birthday, I decided to surprise you."

I couldn't believe my ears. Zane had declared our secret.


Gasp again.

Cole blinked once, blinked twice, and gave us his prize winning smile.

"Awe...you guys remembered!"


This wasn't the plan! I didn't even wrap my present yet!


Hey there guys! This is dedicated to the two people who requested this chapter on their birthdays! I tried guys, I really did.  little writers block, so it's not that good....but it's my vacation! Come on! Who writes on vacation!?

Happy birthday! Sorry for updating so early but it's the only time I will get.... So enjoy!happy birthday in a week advanced!


Thanks for reading, voting, and sharing this story.

Thanks ya'll

Happy birthday. <3

Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ