Shades Are For Outside.

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Breakfast was in silence. Nya told everyone to shut it before we sat down.

I didn't even notice how much control she has over all of us.

So were eating brunch. It was almost lunchtime.

Sensei made us do extra training for coming to training late.

Cole barely made it through training. Moaning and groaning about his stomach.

I personally, am more scared about when he finds out there's no whipping cream for his cake.

Nya and Jay talked excitedly about something. Jay still hasn't noticed his neon nails.

"And then BOOM!" Jay waved his hands excitedly, smacking Kai in his face.

"Ow!" Hothead whined. His glasses were gone because he put his shades on so we couldn't see the lines, but he couldn't get rid of the mustache.

"It's not my fault!" Jay told him. "Your the one who put your face there!"

"We'll you didn't have to hit it! I didn't even see you coming!"

"It's not my fault you couldn't see! Take off the shades!! Why are you wearing them inside?" Jay asked.

"It's not the sun hurting my eyes," Kai told him. "It's your face!"

They both glared. Cole disappeared from the room with Zane.

"Boys!" Nya interrupted. "Stop fighting! Look at. This lovely day!"

"Lovely enough to see Kai's departure," Jay smirked.

Kai froze. "Hey!!"

"BOYS!" Nya pointed to the door and both boys walked, head down, guilty for their actions.

"We're sorry," they chorused. Then they left.

And then there were banging noises from the hallway. Then a wild scream.


Nya groaned. I just laughed.


"BOYS!" She screamed.

My ears....

"We're sorry!" Came the little voices.

Haha. Nya left the breakfast, leaving me to clear the dishes, since it was my turn.

A clatter came from the kitchen. "LLOYD WHERE IS MY WHIP CREAM!"


"Cole, calm down. I'm sure there is a ---"


"Cole. Calm down!!"

"I AM CALM! I FEEL THE PEACE!" Cole raged. "LLOYD!!"

"Sucker!" I laughed. Zane WAS the one who was pranked with the whip cream. "Ask Zane what he did with it."

Oops. Bad mistake.

Cole came out holding his cake.

Steam was coming out of his ears as his face turned beet red.

Where's Nya when you need her?


Guys, please share this story with ur friends!! I need more readers and stuff!!
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Keep it up please!! I can't believe I have 1.74 k reads!

Love my fans.


Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon