Mr. Happy and I.

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Goes with 'Jay, the Blue Ninja Blog,' the black and green banana. And 'vacation here WE come!'

I blew up when I came outside. I saw Cole, who landed on my bike, and just blew up. I was so mad.

MY MOTORBIKE WAS TOTALED! And it was all Coles fault. So I took a piece of metal and started running around, ready to kill the man with the banana on his face. (That's Cole, by the way.)

Somehow, Jay and Zane locked me in our room. The worst thing about this, is that Jay, the laughing and always joking ninja, managed to get me locked in here. Zane I could understand, but Jay? The worst thing about him is HE IS ALWAYS HAPPY. He's Mr. Happy.

Ugh. I need a break.

And I need candy.

I punched the wall and kicked the bed. Not a smart idea.

"Ow ow ow ow," I hopped on one foot. Zane knocked on the door. Yes, he was guarding me.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Yes," I snarled back. "Perfectly fine locked in this room, with nobody, no candy, no games, and I CANT EVEN EAT!"

Wow. I need a break. And candy.

A pause. By the way, did I mention that Zane totally understood my sugar withdraw and knew that I didn't mean anything?

"I NEED CANDY!!!" I screamed. Hopefully he got the message.

I heard Jay approach. I knew it was Jay because his shoes went 'SQUEAK SQUACK SQUEAK SQUACK.'

Okaaaaay. Time to get new shoes.

I pounded the door, ready to make Jays happiness get flushed down the toilet. "Jay, Nya doesn't like you. Nobody has. The Lightning ninja? Humph." I crossed my arms. "You don't deserve that title. You don't even deserve Nya. You don't deserve--"

I was rudely interrupted. By Jay. The same Jay, I might add, who I was supposed to be hurting. And have no happiness.

Ugh. I hear a "nah nah boom boom ya o baby!"

Okay. What in the world?

"I'm ignoring you!" Jay sang. I heard a snort through the door. Zane? Since when has Zane snorted?

I heard a voice on the background. Cole? Kai?

Jay opened the door. To my FREEDOM. FREEEEEEEDOM.


My favorite. I smile happily at Jay. This is just what I needed. Maybe he wasn't so bad.

Cole walked in. My smile fell into a frown.

Great. Here comes the speech.

"Lloyd!" Cole entered the room, making me back up a little. Coles scary when he's mad. "What is wrong with you? I mean, I know what is wrong, but why did it have to be now?"

Zane and Kai fell over each other in the doorway, trying to see. "What's wrong with Lloyd?"

I'm angry now! My fists clench. Jay repeats the question confused.

They want the truth? I'll tell them the truth.

"I need a vacation!" I scream out. "I love you guys like brothers, but you always get in the way! Everything's about me!" Coles jaw dropped.

He obviously wasn't expecting that.

Neither was Zane. He collapsed into Kai. Kai gasped, trying to support his weight and Zanes. "Get off me, you metal can!" He grunted and managed to get Zane in an upright position. I'm not sure how he did that, but he did.

"I just need time by myself," I grumble. "I have to many things happening right now, and I just need to think things through."

Cole nodded with me.

"I see your point," Jay spoke up. "But we can't just let you go! What happens if a new enemy comes up?"

"You can manage," I said. "You've done it before!"

They nod.


Someone say something.

My tempers gone down now that I have tootsie roll candy in my tummy.

This is getting awkward. They all are just staring.


I almost wave my hands at them. They just keep looking.


"You have one day," Cole said gruffly. Finally! Someone spoke!

"Thank you!" I worship his feet. Zane steps forward with a weird look on his face. Maybe it's because I'm worshiping Coles feet.

Huh. Who knows?

"One condition." Zanes eyes darted around the room. "You have to take someone with you."

"KAI!" I scream out. If anyone, Kai. He will probably end up doing his own thing and leave me alone. And thats what I want.

Plus, don't let Kai fool you. Under that random mop of hair, he is super smart when he wants to be.

"Not Kai," Zane disagrees. He sees through my plan. Kai gave me a 'sorry' face.

I feel my face go pale. Oh no.

Please.... Not him. No. Please no.

Zanes lips spell out the word. He slowly says it.


My life went in the garage disposal with my green jolly ranchers. Oh. No.

"YA!" Jay celebrates. A vacation with the Green Ninja."

Someone save me.

This is not the vacation I was planning. I don't want to hang out with Zapbag!

This will sure be a vacation.


Hey guys! Sorry if u didn't get it before, I published it, then unpublished it. Sorry!

Check it out on Jay, the blue ninja blog as well!

Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon