Sharing is Caring

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"Hey, hey! Guess what?!" Jay screamed excitedly off the back of my motorcycle at two random kids skateboarding. "We're going bowling!"

I seriously think that Jay will never mature.

A few minutes later, Jays telling me about his used-to-be fish, Skiimore, who died a tragic death of licking cleaning supplies off the window.

How is that even possible? I just nodded and went 'uh huh' instead of asking for an explanation. After all, I was sick off hearing Jays talking.

My guess is that Kai was also annoyed, for he kept groaning and moaning every time Jay said something.

How far is the bowling alley anyway??

"Hey hey! Guess what everyone?!" He screamed once more into a crowd at the movie theatre. "WE'RE GOING BOWLING!"

I groaned. Why does Jay have to be on the back of MY vehicle. This is so embarrassing.

Zane had kindly refused Jay, and Cole said no. I didn't even want to ask Kai because I want to live.

"HEY!" Jay shrieked in my ear.

"SOMEONE SHUT HIM UP!" Kai raged. Nya gently held on the back of Kai a little more tighter.

"He's just excited, Kai. Don't take it out on him."

"I'm excited too, but I'm not giggling like a twelve year old girl!"

"That IS my boyfriend you are talking about," Nya reminded him.

Nya calmed Kai down a little and Cole sighed.

"Finally. Silence."

Zane held up his arms in victory. Peaceful
No noise.

Just relaxing silence.



WHAP! Kai reached over and smack Jay in the face.

I swerved and swiveled, trying to keep the balance and not crash. It was too late.

I hit Cole. His DirtDigger smashed into Zane's motorcycle, who ran into a building. Kai's tire was stuck on mine so I dragged him and Nya along.

And Jay? Well, Jay screamed like a little girl the entire time, consuming every piece of quiet this world has known.

Little did we know, the building we crashed into ended up being the bowling alley.

Lets just say that the owner and manager weren't to happy.

We ended up not going bowling. Because SOMEONE made us crash, making is pay for damage.


If Nya wasn't here, Kai would have strangled Jay.

We all drove back to the Bounty, our dreams shattered.

Okay, fine. Our bowling was ruined. Not our dreams.


With Jay, anything is possible.

Nya went to upgrade Zanes motorcycle, Zane went to cooking lunch, Kai played Fist2Face3, Cole snuck into his room, claiming he was going to take a nap.

Ya right, Coley-boy. I saw you during that 'bathroom' stop. In the backery.

That's right folks. He smuggled a cake out and into his DirtDigger.

So now he's eating his cake in his room.

Cheater. Nobody knows how to share nowadays.

"LLOYD!" Jay hollered from the shower, "Can I borrow your towel? Mines dirty!"

I am not sharing.

I am not caring.

If Kai was asking,...sure. He was one of the better ones.

I don't want Jay germs.

"You should have thought of that BEFORE going into the shower," I retorted.

Jay whined. "I forgot! Please, Lloydi-kins?"

I can just see him making puppy dog eyes. Luckily, I can't see them.

"In your DREAMS!" I screamed back.

"Well, "Jay admitted, "I was just dreaming about Nya..."

I heard a phoosh of a towel- MY towel.
He took. MY. TOWEL!! MY TOWEL!

Even after I said NO! What does he think 'no' means? Yes?

" No means 'no'" I yelled at Jay. I didn't get a response.

A little Jay voice popped up. "You never said the word 'no!'

That IS true.....

I was outsmarted by Jay.

I snickered. I knew this would happen one of these days. But yet, I needed to act on.

"JAY!" I raged. Well, 'raged'

He's gonna get what he deserves. After all, he was the one who ruined our bowling experience.

Kai laughed from sitting on his cushion in in the living room, never taking his eyes off the game. He knew what was going on.

After all, it WAS his itching powder....

Sharing is caring.


Sorry about the short chapter! But I couldn't get in the mood!!

Bet y'all have that sometimes.

Anyway.... QUESTION.

Do you like Lloyd as the Green ninja, or the Golden ninja best?

Mines obviously as the green, since I'm writing as him being the Green ninja.

Your thoughts?

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