Ring-Around the Clothes Rack

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"Shopping," Jay sang, skipping around the store, PlasticPants.

I don't know why it's called that. It makes no sense.

Oh well.

Nya slapped her forehead.

"You should train him," i whispered to Nya. She gave me a glare that could have melted a rock.

Luckily, I'm not a rock. I'm a green ninja.




Anyway, Jay, Kai, Nya, and me scanned the aisles. Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon were being the old men that they are and stayed at the bounty.

Zane and Cole hit the bakery. Cole wanted cake, obviously.

"Excuse me," Kai said in a girly voice, sashaying his hips, holding a sparkly something in front of him, "but do you know where the mall is?"

"Your in it, Hothead," I told him.

"Dude," Jay interrupted, "maybe you might want to take that shirt off you legs."

"IT'S A SHIRT?" Kai freaked.



......and he was gone.

Lol. Jk. He ran around the clothes rack. Here he comes...... And there he goes.


And here comes a hot girl. She kind of looks like the girl that through the soda on him.

Yes Pixel got a video of it.

Yes, I've watched it thirty majillion times.

Yes I've laughed like everytime.

It should win awards!!

Anyway, the girl came and Kai ran into her.


They both went flying.

Actually the girl flew. And she disappeared out of the door. I think Kai scared her.

"Heh heh heh." Jay laughed.
Nya slapped him.

Kai fell over into a model of a girl wearing jeans and a cute purple shirt saying "Im not a fail! I'm being me!"

"Hey," I laughed. "That shirt makes since! Kai is a fail when he is himself!!"

I thought that was funny but Kai didn't. Neither did Nya.

Man she has a hard kick.

"KAI!" She ran to her brother who knocked over the model.

Here comes trouble.

A store clerk came over to us. He had puffy eyes and pukker lips. Also he was very skinny. Unhealthily skinny.

"Excuse me sirs and ma'am, but your disrupting the customers. Please leave." He explained this all in his whinny I'm-so-good-so-listen-to-me-voice.



So we left that store. Without buying anything.

Jay also through some dirt on the ground. I really didn't feel like explaining to him why that wasn't 'hurting' the store in anyway.

The Zapbag can figure that out himself.



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