The Macaroni Meal.

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No, he did not ask me to marry him. But remember how I said that I would do anything to make it up to Zane?

Remind me never to do that again.

The thing Zane did to get even with me...Well, it went horrible, fans. I'm pretty sure my life was ruined.

He made me wear a dress. A purple, frilly dress that went down to my ankles. And high heels. HIGHHHHHHHHHH heels. I really don't know how girls walk in those.

He made me wear it through the meal. THROUGH THE MEAL! In front of E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E!

Nya, Jay, Kai, Sensei, and Cole. WHY ME!?

Wait...don't answer that.

So I walked in, this purple dress swooshing around my legs. Kai takes one look at me and bursts out laughing, his water coming out of his nose. Yes, water. Kai doesn't like milk.

Cole snorts and shakes with silent laughter, while Nya hides her face in Jays shoulder. Jays seems to be the only one to appreciate my dress. He gets Nya.

I get the dress.

Zane was already there, and he offered me his chair. Then, when I seated, he took his own seat next to Kai and Sensei Wu, my soon-to-be-not UNCLE, who was snickering under that long beard of his.

Everyone was still laughing, or trying not too. I laughed my evil laugh inwardly. He who laughs last, laughs best. Zane laughed last, and best. Now it's my turn.

Dinner was served and Zane nicely scooped everyone a huge helping. Except me. I got a microscopic piece. But I didn't mind. Not this once.

"Mhmm," Cole moaned. "I love Zanes cooking." Not this time though, I wanted to tell him. I don't know how he could still be hungry since he ate all that cake!

Everyone took a big bite and - SPIT IT OUT! Bwahahahha!


"Eww!" Nya spat. "Zane, how much salt did you put in here?"

Zane looked down at his untouched food. "According to my calculations, I put a little less than normal. Would you like me to add some?"

"NO!" Everyone shouted. I did too. I mean, I would be the oddball if I didn't. And everyone would know it was me. I couldn't let that happen. Zane might find a girli-er dress.

"Zane, no offence," Kai started, running his hand through his hair, " but maybe you should turn off your humor switch. This is not funny!"

My stomach hurt. I was about to explode. OF LAUGHTER! IT WAS JUST SO FUNNY LOOKING AT EVERYONE'S FACES!

Zane looked hurt and I felt bad....until I looked down at my clothes. Laughter bubbled up.

Kai was wiping his tongue with a napkin. Sensei Wu drained his cup five times over. Jay was trying to tell Zane that it wasn't that bad. Nya looked like she was going to be sick. I think Cole wished he didn't eat all that cake before supper.

Too late now, Coley-boy.

Nya looked at my red face, cheeks puffed up. I was trying so hard not to laugh but I knew I was going to sooner or later. I hope it was later.

"Are, are you okay?" she asked me. I looked once more at my friends and saw Kai wipe his tongue. I squeaked, tears of laughter coming out of my eyes. I guess it looked like real tears, since Nya freaked.

"Lloyd's sick!" she screamed. Right before she could say anything else, I exploded. Tears of Laughter flowed down my face and I laughed until I was hoarse in front of all my friends.

Zane looked up. "YOU!" he growled. I stood up, tipping on my heels. I ran as fast as I could. It kinda looked like waddling, I guess, since Cole yelled "DUCK!"

I didn't realize he meant to duck my head. I thought he was just telling me what I looked like. Guess I was wrong. I learned that the hard way.

GREEN NINJA O-U-T. Literally. I was knocked out.

ByE fOr NoW!

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