One Brainless, Two Brainless

494 22 13

Okay. If you see three people sitting on the floor, ready to punch each other, what's your first thought.

Maybe, "don't do anything you'll regret," or "smack him hard." Or "do you guys need help?"

Rarely will you think what Jay though. Actually it's one in a million chance. You don't think "hey I'm going to dump this tote of water on them!"

Supposedly, Jay thought this.

'Thought' of it. I don't know where he got the idea, since he doesn't have a brain.

So here we are, laying in the middle of a flooded ice cream parlor, because Jay dumped the tote.

I tell you, BRAINLESS!

"Jay," Cole growled. I gulped.



Zane and Nya helped everyone escape the building then came back inside to watch.

Who's gonna miss this?

Cole had cornered Jay against the freezer with all the different ice cream flavors.

"Stop!" Zane shouted. I would have said his hair moved but since it was stuck with hairspray, it didn't.

Kai ran between the two boys, placing a hand on each of their chests, his hair flat against his head because it was wet.

He looked so dorky!! His hair dripping and hanging in his eyes.

I snorted and wished for a camera quickly.

He gave me such a look with his hazel eyes that I froze. It was an I'll-get-you-when-your-not-looking-kid look.

And it scared me.

Jay must have been frightened too, even when the ninja of fire was between both of them. And when Zane started to make his speech, he really started shaking. I thought it was because Nya was watching him fail.

But that wasn't it.

Turns out, Zapbag was sitting in the ice cream.

"Ahh!!" He screamed, flying toward Cole. They bumped heads and fell, Coley-boy dragging Jay into the puddle with him.

Great. Now we were all wet. What was Sensei gonna think?

Zane immediately snatched the two out of the puddle, hanging Jay, the shortest, on the hanger on the door. Then, he dragged Cole and let Kai hold his hands behind his back.

"We are going to talk about this," Zane said sternly. Flat haired Kai nodded and I giggled.

Oopsie. I got THE look again.

"You are not allowed to leave until you both apologize. Jay, you apologize for dumping the water when it was not necessary."

"It was necessary just not when I dumped it," Jay whined. "I didn't know Cole was breathing!"

"Why would you dump water on someone when there not breathing anyway?" Kai asked, taking a bottle of hair gel out and spiking his hair back up. "Why would you do that? You can't BREATHE in water."

Two things i want to say. First about Kai. Seriously. He always has an extra bottle on him!
Second about Jay. BRAINLESS!

"That's even dumber than the kid!" Kai continued.


This time I was the one who sent the look to Kai. He acted like he didn't see it, but I saw the fear in his eyes.

Don't mess with the best!!

"I think you should get a new boyfriend!" I whispered to Nya.

She gave me a glare that could have melted a cactus. Or a camel. Or something else in the desert. Maybe sand. What else is there in a desert?

"I HAVE EARS YOU KNOW!" Jay screamed.

"That's news." Kai smirked. I smirked along side him.

"Cole," Zane continued, trying not to pull his hair out in frustration, "you are not leaving until you apologize to all of us for faking not breathing!"

"No way!" Cole humphed. He put his arms over his chest, now that Kai had to let go of him to apply the hair gel to his hair. "It was a joke!"

We all looked at him like he was stupid.

It WAS a really dumb joke. Turns out Jay wasn't the only Brainless one!!

"Then we are going to stay here for a while" Zane said, sitting on a barstool. I followed his example as Jay and Cole frowned at each other.

This WAS going to take a while.

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